If you are uploading on a system where the S3 upload speed is slow (for example, when Artifactory is hosted self-hosted), you may want to use the S3 Eventual Upload template <chain="s3-storage-v3"/>
. The Eventual Upload template also allows you to upload when S3 is down or experiencing network issues. The S3 eventual template is shown below.
<chain> <!-- template="s3-storage-v3" --> <provider id="cache-fs" type="cache-fs"> <provider id="eventual" type="eventual"> <provider id="retry" type="retry"> <provider id="s3-storage-v3" type="s3-storage-v3"/> </provider> </provider> </provider> </chain>
The following snippet shows an example of S3 eventual upload mechanism.
<config version="2"> <chain template="s3-storage-v3"/> <provider id="s3-storage-v3" type="s3-storage-v3"> <endpoint>s3.amazonaws.com</endpoint> <bucketName>bucketName</bucketName> <path>pathPrefix</path> <region>s3Region</region> <identity>yourIdentity</identity> <credential>yourCredentials</credential> </provider> </config>