Edit Repository Names [OPTIONAL]

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

Content Type
Installation & Setup

After you run the migrator tool with the getconfig option, the migrator tool creates the repositories.list file inside the folder, <working directory>/migration/nexus-migrator.

The repositories.list file contains the list of repositories in Nexus and the corresponding names for the repositories to be created in Artifactory. You can edit the value of the repositories in Artifactory to any valid value supported by Artifactory.

The following example shows a sample repositories.list file.

    - source: 123nuget
      target: m-123nuget
    - source: 123Py
      target: m-123Py
    - source: maven-snapshots
      target: maven-snapshots
    - source: maven-central
      target: maven-central
    - source: nuget-group
      target: nuget-group
    - source: nuget.org-proxy
      target: nuget.org-proxy
    - source: maven-releases
      target: maven-releases
    - source: nuget-hosted
      target: nuget-hosted
    - source: maven-public
      target: maven-public
    - source: 123maven
      target: m-123maven

You can edit values against the target field to the desired repository name in Artifactory.