Run the migration tool in a single step

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

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Installation & Setup
  1. Run the following command to migrate all entities in a single step.

    ./jfrog-nexus-migrator-<version>.sh all
  2. Add the following Artifactory configuration information.

    • JFrog Platform Server Name: Identifier for the JFrog Platform server.

    • JFrog Platform URL: URL to access the JFrog Platform that contains the Artifactory instance.

    • JFrog Access Token: API token to access the JFrog Platform. You can leave the field as blank and provide username and password in the subsequent steps.

    • JFrog Username: The username of a user with administrator privileges.

    • JFrog Password or API key: The API key or the password.

  3. Enter the following configuration information for Nexus Server.

    • Nexus Working Directory

    • Nexus Repository Manager URL

    • Nexus Repository Manager Username

    • Nexus Repository Manager Password

    • Default Password for Artifactory Users

    In the Nexus Repository Manager, navigate to Administration > System Information. The workingDirectory field provides the location of the Nexus Working Directory.

    Enter the private IP of the Nexus server to improve the performance since the migration script runs on the same machine. Set the URL as http://<private ip>:<port>. If there is any context path configured for the Nexus server, enter the URL as http://<private ip>:<port>/<context-path>.

    The default password for Artifactory users must adhere to the following rules.

    • Minimum of eight characters

    • Contain at least one number

    • Contain at least one lower case alphabet

    • Contain at least one upper case alphabet

The script fetches the configuration information from Nexus, creates corresponding repositories in Artifactory, migrates artifacts to Artifactory, and migrates security configuration to Artifactory. You can check the details of the artifacts and configuration migrated to Artifactory in the migration.log file, available in the working directory. The script creates YAML files and JSON files based on Nexus inside the folder, <working directory>/migration/nexus-migrator.

Check migration.log file to verify the status of migration. The log file details the migration status of the repositories, artifacts, and security entities.