Add an Edge Node

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

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Installation & Setup

After you install Artifactory, use the following steps to add the Artifactory Edge node.

Step 1: Establish a Circle of Trust

An Edge node can only receive Release Bundles from an Artifactory service if they are both within the same circle of trust. Establish a circle of trust by copying the root crt from the source Artifactory to the trusted keys folder of the edge instance. For more information, see Establishing a Circle of Trust.How to Establish a Circle of Trust

Step 2: Add the Edge Node to JFrog Mission Control

Using Platform Deployments, add the Artifactory Edge node to Mission Control. For more information, see Register a Platform Deployment.Register a Platform Deployment

Step 3: Add the Edge Node as a Target for Source Instance in Access Federation

Access Federation gives you control over access to all, or any subset of your services from one location by synchronizing all security entities (users, groups, permissions, and access tokens) between the federated services. Once the Access Federation has been set up, you can manage all security entities in the federated services from one place. For more information, see Access Federation.Access Federation

Step 4: Add Signing Keys to JFrog Distribution

The JFrog Platform supports signing keys to establish trust with your clients for downloading your packages from Artifactory. Signing keys consist of a public and a private key pair, which are used for signing and verifying release bundles. When installing a new Edge, you will need to propagate the public keys to the new Edge. To learn about how to add and propagate keys, see GPG Signing.GPG Signing

Next step: Configuring DistributionConfigure Distribution