JFrog Platform Helm Chart Installation Steps

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

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Installation & Setup

Installing the JFrog Platform using the jfrog-platform Helm Chart will install the products in the following setup by default.

  • JFrog Artifactory

  • JFrog Xray/JFrog Insight/JFrog Distribution/JFrog Pipelines: Single Node

  1. Add the https://charts.jfrog.io to your Helm client.

    helm repo add jfrog https://charts.jfrog.io
  2. Update the repository.

    helm repo update
  3. Install the chart with the release name jfrog-platform.

    helm upgrade --install jfrog-platform --namespace jfrog-platform --create-namespace jfrog/jfrog-platform 
  4. Optional: Customize the Helm Chart installation to install one or more of the JFrog products.

    The JFrog Platform Helm Chart provides the flexibility of enabling one or more of the JFrog additional products during the installation, which means that you can choose to install all of the products (Distribution, Insight, Pipelines, and Xray), or only some of them.

    For example:

    1. To enable Xray and Insight with Artifactory, you can create a custom-values.yaml with the following content and then pass it during installation.

        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        enabled: false
        enabled: false
    2. Run the installation.

      helm upgrade --install jfrog-platform --namespace jfrog-platform --create-namespace jfrog/jfrog-platform  -f custom-values.yaml
    3. You can configure each JFrog product separately with the following steps.

      1. View the main values.yaml file and copy the configurations that you wish to update into a custom-values.yaml file.

      2. Update the product configuration with custom values in the custom-values.yaml file.

        For the values not specified in the custom-value.yaml file, the default values in the original values.yaml of the chart are used.

      3. Run the upgrade command.

        helm upgrade --install jfrog-platform --namespace jfrog-platform --create-namespace jfrog/jfrog-platform  -f custom-values.yaml

    If you wish to enable Artifactory and disable all the other products, you can create a custom-values.yaml with the following content and then pass it during installation.

      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false
      enabled: false

    For more specific product configuration information, see System YAML Configuration File.

    Once the installation completes, you will be able to see the products that have been installed.

    Congratulations. You have just deployed JFrog Platform Chart with the following products:
    - artifactory
    - xray
    - insight
    - distribution
    - pipelines
  5. Optionally, you can apply advanced configurations through the values.yaml file. Ensure that you provide the Artifactory values within the artifactory.artifactory section of the values.yaml and not the artifactory section of the values.yaml file.


    For more information on these advanced configurations, see Helm Charts for Advanced Users.

  6. Connect to Artifactory.

    It may take a few minutes for Artifactory's public IP to become available. Follow the instructions that are output by the install command above to get the Artifactory IP to access it. Below you will find a sample instruction of what to look for to pick the URL to reach Artifactory (in the following example, jfrog-platform is the release name and jfrog-platform is the namespace).

    Congratulations. You have just deployed JFrog Artifactory.
    1. Get the Artifactory URL by running these commands:
       NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available.
             You can watch the status of the service by running 'kubectl get svc --namespace jfrog-platform -w jfrog-platform-artifactory-nginx'
       export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace jfrog-platform jfrog-platform-artifactory-nginx -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
       echo http://$SERVICE_IP/
    2. Open Artifactory in your browser
       Default credential for Artifactory:
       user: admin
       password: password
  7. Install the JFrog Platform license using one of three methods: REST API, Artifactory UI, or a Kubernetes Secret. For more information, click the link below.

  8. To access the logs, find the name of the pod using the following command.

    kubectl --namespace <your namespace> get pods
  9. To get the specific container logs, run the following command.

    kubectl --namespace <your namespace> logs -f <name of the pod> -c <name of the container>
  10. Customize the product configuration (optional) including database, Java Opts, and filestore.


    If you install Xray with the JFrog Platform charts, the RabbitMQ vhost is named "xray". If you install Xray with the standalone Xray helm Chart installation, "/" is set as the RabbitMQ vhost.