Use ConfigMaps to Store Non-confidential Data

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

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Installation & Setup

A configMap is an API object that is used to store non-confidential data in key-value pairs. If you want to mount a custom file to Artifactory, either an init shell script or a custom configuration file (such as logback.xml), you can use this option.

Create Custom configMaps for Artifactory

Create a configmaps.yaml file as per the example below, then use it with your Helm installation/upgrade. This will, in turn, do the following:

  1. Create a volume pointing to the configMap with the name artifactory-configmaps.

  2. Mount this configMap onto /tmp/my-config-map using customVolumeMounts.

  3. Set the shell script we mounted as the lifecycle.postStart.exec.command.

  4. Copy the logback.xml file to $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/artifactory directory.

      configMaps: |
        logback.xml: |
          <configuration debug="false">
              <appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
                  <encoder class="ch.qos.logback.core.encoder.LayoutWrappingEncoder">
                      <layout class="org.artifactory.logging.layout.BackTracePatternLayout">
                          <pattern>%date [%-5level] \(%-20c{3}:%L\) %message%n</pattern>
              <logger name="/artifactory">
                  <level value="INFO"/>
                  <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
              <logger name="org.eclipse.jetty">
                  <level value="WARN"/>
                  <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
          echo "This is my custom post start hook"
      customVolumeMounts: |
        - name: artifactory-configmaps
          mountPath: /tmp/my-config-map
      lifecycle: |
         postStart: |
           exec: |
             commandpostStartCommand: "post_hook_temp=/tmp/post-hook-temp; mkdir ${post_hook_temp}; cp -fv /tmp/my-config-map/ ${post_hook_temp}; chmod +x ${post_hook_temp}/;bash ${post_hook_temp}/ > ${post_hook_temp}/my-custom-post-start-hook.log 2>&1"
        - source: /tmp/my-config-map/logback.xml
          target: etc/artifactory


    helm upgrade --install artifactory -f configmaps.yaml --namespace artifactory jfrog/artifactory

    Artifactory HA

    helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --namespace artifactory-ha -f values.yaml
Create a Custom nginx.conf Using Nginx
  1. Create the nginx.conf file:

    kubectl create configmap nginx-config --from-file=nginx.conf
  2. Pass the configMap to the Helm installation:


    helm upgrade --install artifactory --set nginx.customConfigMap=nginx-config --namespace artifactory jfrog/artifactory

    Artifactory HA

    helm upgrade --install artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --namespace artifactory-ha -f values.yaml