The global Artifactory configuration file is used to provide a default set of configuration parameters.
The Global Configuration Descriptor file is located in $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory/artifactory.config.latest.xml
and is loaded by Artifactory at initial startup.
Once the file is loaded, Artifactory renames it to artifactory.config.bootstrap.xml
and from that point on, the configuration is stored internally in Artifactory's storage. This ensures Artifactory's configuration and data are coherently stored in one place making it easier to back up and move Artifactory when using direct database backups.
At any time, the default configuration can be changed in the Artifactory UI Administration module.
There are two ways to directly modify the Global Configuration Descriptor:
Back Up Before Running Procedure
Direct modification of the global configuration descriptor is an advanced feature, and if done incorrectly may render Artifactory in an undefined and unusable state. We strongly recommend backing up the configuration before making any direct changes, and taking great care when doing so.
From Artifactory version 7.59 and later, the Global Configuration Descriptor file no longer contains LDAP, Crowd, or HTTP SSO Authentication Provider Configuration. You can use the Authentication Provider REST APIs to modify authentication provider configuration. For more information, see Authentication Provider REST API. Alternatively, from Artifactory version 7.63 and forward, you can use the Access Configuration Bootstrap YAML to set up authentication provider configuration.
From Artifactory version 7.49.x and forward, the Global Configuration Descriptor file will no longer contain Repository Configuration. You can use the Repositories REST API to modify repositories configuration. For more information, see Repositories REST API.
Modifying Configuration Using the UI
You can access the Global Configuration Descriptor in the Administration module under Artifactory | Advanced | Config Descriptor. There you can modify the file's contents directly or copy the contents from the entry field.
Modifying Configuration Using the REST API
You can retrieve or set the global configuration by sending a GET or POST request to http://<host>:<port>/artifactory/api/system/configuration
. For example:
curl -u admin:password -X GET -H "Accept: application/xml" http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/system/configuration curl -u admin:password -X POST -H "Content-type:application/xml" --data-binary @artifactory.config.xml http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/system/configuration
Bootstrapping the Global Configuration
You can bootstrap Artifactory with a predefined global configuration by renaming the $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory/artifactory.config.latest.xml
file containing the Artifactory configuration descriptor to $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory/artifactory.config.import.xml
From Artifactory 7.49.3, you would also need to rename the file $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory/artifactory.repository.config.latest.json
to $JFROG_HOME/artifactory/var/etc/artifactory/artifactory.repository.config.import.json
If Artifactory detects this file at startup, it uses the information in the file to override its global configuration. This is useful if you want to copy the configuration to another instance of Artifactory.
From Artifactory version 7.63 and forward, you must use the Access Configuration Bootstrap YAML to set up authentication provider configuration.