Before you proceed, see System Requirements for information on supported platforms, supported browsers, and other requirements.
In addition, review the Helm Chart requirements.
Helm Chart Requirements
For installing Helm Charts, JFrog services need the following requirements:
Kubernetes 1.19+ (for installation instructions, see Kubernetes installation)
Kubernetes cluster with:
Dynamic storage provisioning enabled
When deploying a JFrog application on an AWS EKS cluster, the AWS EBS CSI Driver is required for dynamic volume provisioning. However, this driver is not included in the JFrog Helm Charts. For more information, see Store Kubernetes volumes with Amazon EBS.
Default StorageClass set to persistent storage
Kubectl installed and set up to use the cluster
Helm v3 installed
JFrog validates compatibility with the core Kubernetes distribution. Since Kubernetes distribution vendors may apply additional logic or hardening (for example Rancher) JFrog Platform deployment with such platform vendors might not be fully supported.
Artifactory Upgrade from 6.x to 7.x
Upgrading from 6.x to 7.x requires a one time migration process. You have to enable the migration in the values.yaml
artifactory: migration: enabled: true
It is possible to configure the migration timeout with the following configuration in extreme cases. The default provided should be more than enough for completion of the migration.
artifactory: migration: enabled: true timeoutSeconds: 3600
Migrating the Master Key from Version 6.x to 7.x
Version 6.x only supports a masterKey with 16 hex (32 characters) and if you have set a masterKey using openssl rand -hex 32
(64 characters) in 6.x, only the first 32 characters are used and rest are ignored. When migrating from 6.x to 7.x, we trim the first 32 characters and set the masterkey, which implies that 7.x still uses the trimmed masterkey of 6.x. Therefore, the artifactory.masterKey
should not be passed during migration from 6.x to 7.x.
Upgrading from 8.x to 11.x and Above Chart Versions
If you are upgrading from 8.x to 11.x and above chart versions, remember to delete the existing PostgreSQL statefulset before upgrading the chart due to breaking changes in PostgreSQL subchart.
Run the following command.
kubectl delete statefulsets <OLD_RELEASE_NAME>-postgresql
Once you have a new chart version, you can upgrade your deployment.
Single Node Upgrade
Use the following command to upgrade.
helm upgrade artifactory --namespace artifactory jfrog/artifactory
If Artifactory was installed without providing a value to postgresql.postgresqlPassword (if the password was auto-generated), run the following command to get the current password.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n <namespace> <myrelease>-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode)
Upgrade the release by passing the previously auto-generated secret.
helm upgrade <myrelease> jfrog/artifactory --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD} --namespace <namespace>
This applies any configuration changes on your existing deployment.
HA Upgrade with the artifactory-ha chart
Use the following command to upgrade.
helm upgrade artifactory-ha --namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha
If Artifactory was installed without providing a value to
(if the password was auto-generated), run the following command to get the current password.POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n <namespace> <myrelease>-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode)
Upgrade the release by passing the previously auto-generated secret.
helm upgrade <myrelease> --namespace artifactory-ha jfrog/artifactory-ha --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=${POSTGRES_PASSWORD}
This applies any configuration changes on your existing deployment.