The following example shows a complete YAML file with all the different parameters that you may configure.
# DO NOT IMPORT THIS FILE. # This file describes the JFrog Access YAML configuration file and should only be # as a reference. # # To change the configuration in an Access service, follow these instructions: # 1. Find the value you want to update # 2. Set the value in the access.config.latest.yml file under [$JFROG_HOME]/artifactory/var/etc/access # 3. Change access.config.latest.yml to access.config.import.yml # 4. Restart Access --- security: disable-swagger-ui: true # token-expiry-notification: # Daily notification to users who have tokens that expire within a day of set threshold enabled: false # Flag to enable/disable feature scheduled-time: "08:00" # Time of day to run the reminder task, HH:MM (24 hours) format, UTC timezone notice-period-in-days: 1 # How many days ahead to look for tokens multi-factor-authentication: authenticators: [ ] # list of available authentication providers. feature is disabled if unset application-name: JFrog Platform # app name to display in Authenticator App password-policy: # users' password policy uppercase: 0 # minimum number of uppercase letters that the password must contain lowercase: 0 # minimum number of lowercase letters that the password must contain special-char: 0 # minimum number of special char that the password must contain. Special chars list between double quotes " !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~" digit: 0 # minimum number of digits that the password must contain length: 4 # minimum length of the password cannot-match-username: true # If true, the password cannot be changed to match the username (case-insensitive) not-match-old: true # should Access allow setting a new password to the same one currently set for the user user-lock-policy: attempts: 0 # number of failed login attempts to allow before locking a user. 0 (default) means the feature is disabled seconds-to-unlock: 1 # number of seconds to wait before re-enabling login for a user that has been locked out password-expiry-days: 0 # number of days before a password expires. Set by Artifactory admin-password-expirable: false # does the Access admin password expire max-login-delay-millis: 60000 base-login-delay-millis: 1000 cache: expire-after-write-seconds: 86400 # number of seconds Access waits before deleting an entry from the cache maximum-size: 10000 # maximum number of entries allowed in the cache audit: enabled: true # should access log all requests to a specific file or not password-strength: 8 # bcrypt password strength. A higher value means better security, but password verification will be slower max-backup-files-number: 10 # maximum number of access.backup.timestamp.json, access.bootstrap-timestamp.config and access.bootstrap-timestamp.json files that can be stored local-interfaces-expire-in-seconds: 600 # number of seconds for which local server ips should be cached for users’ allowed-ips encryption-enabled: true # specifies if users’ custom data encryption is allowed validate-user-email: true # when set to true, Access will validate the user's email tls: false # When set to true, JFrog Access will act as the Certificate Authority (CA) and sign the TLS certificates used by all the different JFrog Platform nodes. This ensures that the node to node communication is done over TLS. tls-minimal-version: TLS-1.2 # When set, node to node communication via TLS will support only TLS with version matching the minimal version and above tls-subject-alternative-names: # When set, these names will be added as SAN to the generated node TLS certificate - myaoleustghttpsv-artifactory - myaoleustghttpsv-artifactory-artifactory - "*.svc.myaoleustghttpsv.cluster.local" topology-stale-millis: 30000 # The time passed from the last heartbeat of any of the micro-services in the topology, before it is considered stale secrets-require-tls: true # Deprecated this flag is not used to enforce encryption anymore anonymous-access-enabled: false # should Access allow anonymous auth allow-anonymous-in-projects: false # Enable adding anonymous user to projects bootstrap-token-delete-in-minutes: 1 # number of minutes to wait before deleting initial admin access token from file-system. invite-limitations: enabled: true # Invite is limited for 1 specific email per day. maintenance-interval-secs: 86400 # Interval for cleaning up stale email logs in seconds. allowed-invitations-per-day: 5 # The number of the allowed invitations per day per email. authentication: disable-remember-me: false disable-api-key-creation: false # When set to true, users will not be able to generate API Key hide-basic-login: false # When set to true, users login in to the JFrog platform will not be presented with the option to login with basic credentials. Instead, they will only have the option to use external SSO providers (using SAML/OAuth). Note: This is applicable only if an external SSO provider is already configured. basic-authentication-enabled: true #When set to true, enable internal JFrog user to authenticate using basic credentials user-plugin: false # When set to true, artifactory user plugin is used in the authentication flow basic-authentication-enforce-mfa: false # When set to true, blocks all basic credentials based authentication if multi-factor authentication is enabled password-encryption: supported # Determines the password requirements for authenticate users. The options are: Supported (default): Users can authenticate using secure encrypted passwords or clear-text passwords. Required: Users must authenticate using secure encrypted passwords. Clear-text authentication fails. Unsupported: Only clear-text passwords can be used for authentication. users: cache: expire-after-write-seconds: 300 # number of seconds Access waits before deleting an entry from the cache maximum-size: 10000 # maximum number of entries allows in the cache groups: cache: expire-after-write-seconds: 300 # number of seconds Access waits before deleting an entry from the cache jfrog-client-login: cache: expire-after-write-seconds: 300 # number of seconds Access waits before deleting an entry from the cache maximum-size: 10000 # maximum number of entries allows in the cache ldap: connect-timeout-millis: 10000 # time to wait (ms) before giving up when trying to reach the LDAP server. Default value: 10000. read-timeout-millis: 15000 # time to wait (ms) before giving up on a response from the LDAP server after an authentication request has been successfully sent. Default value: 15000. pool-timeout-millis: -1 # number of milliseconds that an idle connection may remain in the pool without being closed and removed from the pool. referral-strategy: follow # LDAP referral strategy (value can be either 'follow', 'ignore', 'throw'). Default value: follow. force-group-member-att-full-dn: false # When set to true, will set special filter for ldap group search for servers which does not allow the member attribute to be UID. Default value: false. apply-headless-validation: true # When set to false, access wouldn't update ldap user from ldap server on api key or token based authentication. Default value: true. token-expiry-refresh-user-limit-seconds: 1800 # time to wait (s) from now, before user's token would be considered outdated for refresh ldap user purpose. Default value: 1800. paging: max-page-size: 1000 # size of the groups batch to fetch from ldap server. Default value is 1000. blacklist-expire-after-write-minutes: 10 # blacklist cache expiration period (minutes). Default value is 10. group: clean-on-fail: true # When set to true, removes user associated Groups in case of fail. Default value is true. search: disable-attributes-limitation: false # When set to false, then search controls will set returning attributes. Default value is false. filter-threshold: 0 # if groups size is more than this threshold then add special filters for performance. Default value is 0. crowd: group-batch-size: 1000 # size of the groups batch to fetch from crowd server validation-factors-enabled: false # When set to false, validation factors won't be checked on validation of the SSO token. ValidationFactors that will be checked: remoteAddress, forwardedForHeader. Default value: false. mtls: # Mutual-TLS authentication configuration enabled: false # if true then mTLS is enabled header-name: X-JFrog-Client-Cert # name of the HTTP header that contains the client certificate cache-expiry-secs: 100 # period (seconds) during which a successful mTLS authentication should be considered valid extraction-regex: (.*) # regular expression used to extract the username from the certificate's subject CN no-auto-create-users: false # avoid automatic creation of users in the system if they do not exist allow-user-to-access-profile: false # allow created users (based on the flag above) access their profile page in the UI sync-ldap-groups: false # automatically associate the authenticated user with groups returned from LDAP verify-password-policy: false # when set to true, any basic authentication will be verified against the configured password policy oidc: connect-timeout-millis: 10000 # time to wait (ms) before giving up when trying to reach the OIDC server. Default value: 10000. read-timeout-millis: 10000 # time to wait (ms) before giving up on a response from the OIDC server. Default value: 10000. jwks: cache: expire-after-write-seconds: 86400 # number of seconds Access waits before deleting an entry from the cache maximum-size: 10000 # maximum number of entries allows in the cache token: refresh-expiry: 86400 # grace period (seconds) during which an expired token can still be refreshed. Must be positive. default-expiry: 31536000 # default expiry period (seconds) when token expiry is set to null. When set to zero, default expiry is not forced. Must be non-negative. Must comply with ('max-expiry' >= 'default-expiry'). max-expiry: 0 # max expiry period (seconds) When max expiry is bigger than zero, the user's token expiry will be limited to the max expiry value. When set to zero, the user's token expiry will not be limited with a higher boundary. This setting does not affect the restriction on non-admin users to create a non-revocable token. Must be non negative. Must comply with ('max-expiry' >= 'default-expiry'). allow-refreshable: true # when disabled, all the user tokens will be created as non refreshable. allow-basic-auth: false # when enabled, allow basic authentication for create token api default-expiry-internal: 3600 # default expiry period (seconds) when -internal- token expiry is set to null. Must be positive. cache: expire-after-write-seconds: 60 # number of seconds Access waits before deleting an entry from the cache maximum-size: 1000 # maximum number of tokens Access allows in the cache revocation: minimum-revocable-expiry: 21600 # DEPRECATED - Please use 'revocable-expiry-threshold' instead - (seconds) token with expiry (expirationTime-issuedAt) below this value will not be revocable (tokens without expiry are always revocable). Setting it to -1 to make all tokens with expiry non-revocable (old default). revocable-expiry-threshold: 21600 # Available from Artifactory 7.8.0 - (seconds) token with expiry (expirationTime-issuedAt) below this value will not be revocable (tokens without expiry are always revocable). Setting it to -1 to make all tokens with expiry non-revocable. persistency: persistent-expiry-threshold: 10800 # Available from Artifactory 7.8.0 - (seconds) token with expiry (expirationTime-issuedAt) below this value will not be persistent. Setting it to zero or a negative value means that all the newly created tokens will be persistent. Be aware that lowering this value will effectively revoke all tokens with expiry below the old value and above the new revocable-expiry-threshold. delete-with-user: true # if should delete user tokens when deleting user. block-simultaneous-login: false # when set to true, Access will revoke User's session tokens when a new session token is created for the same user integration-secret-expiry-secs: 0 # Expiry period of the secret token. In seconds. Default: 0. 0 means never expires. user-invitation-token-expiry-secs: 2592000 # The user's invitation token expiry period. In seconds. Default: 30 days. 0 means never expires. user-token-default-revocable: false # when set to true, all user token will be revocable by default, thus not working with circle of trust if expiry is higher than "revocable-expiry-threshold" on target task: revoke-expired-tokens-cron: "0 0 0/1 * * ?" # cron expression defining when the "revoke expired token" job should run. disable the job by using "-". when the default value is set the seconds & minutes of the cron job are randomly generated. send-usage-cron: "0 0 23 * * ?" # cron expression defining when the "send usage" job should run heartbeat: interval-seconds: 5 # interval between successive runs of the heartbeat job consider-stale-seconds: 30 # the time period (seconds) a server can remain unresponsive before being considered stale in the cluster stale-admin-revoke: interval-seconds: 3600 # interval between successive runs of the stale admin revoke job, e.g. once an hour consider-stale-seconds: 604800 # the time period (seconds) since the last heartbeat was registered in the topology, so is considered stale, e.g. every 7 days excluded-service-types: ["jfmc"] # this will exclude the service types in the stale cleanup job load-certificates-seconds: 30 # period of time in seconds when to look if there are any new "trusted certificates" federation-keepalive-interval-seconds: 86400 # interval between successive runs of federation server keepalive job, e.g. once a day scheduler-thread-pool-size: 9 # thread pool size for access task scheduler router-register-number-retries: 3000 # number of retries when registering on the router cluster: sync: timeout-millis: 100 # initial time (ms) to wait before retrying a request socket-timeout-millis: 5000 # time to wait (ms) before giving up on executing a REST call on another server exponential-backoff-multiplier: 2 # number by which the retry timeout should be multiplied before a subsequent retry. For example, by default, the third retry will happen after 200 ms number-of-retries: 3 # maximum number of retries backoff-max-delay-millis: 1000 # maximum time between successive retries regardless of other settings force-rest: false # whether to force rest in grpc sync force-grpc: false # whether to force grpc in grpc sync when syncing over https startup-sanity-retry: 400 # maximum number of retries for validating self ping via router maximum-future-time-diff-millis: 60000 # maximum difference between previous data timestamp and received data timestamp that is allowed join: router-check-url-timeout-millis: 3000 # connection timeout (ms) for validating router responsiveness in url 'check-url' environments: global-limit: 10 # Number of global environments allowed. project-limit: 10 # Number of environments allowed to create in each project. project: cache: expire-after-write-seconds: 3600 # number of seconds Access waits before deleting an entry from the cache maximum-size: 10000 # maximum number of entries allows in the cache socket-timeout-millis: 10000 # time to wait (ms) before giving up on executing a REST call on another server connect-timeout-millis: 10000 # time to wait (ms) before giving up on connecting to another server role-limit: 30 # Number of roles allowed to create in each project. The maximum number of roles is 30. federation: outbound: # outbound configuration specifies parameters for sending data entity-types-to-sync: # entity types to sync as part of federation (default - used if not configured for server) - users - groups - permissions - tokens exclude-users: [ "admin","access-admin","xray" ] # do not put this user in the federated server (must be an array) buffer-wait-millis: 30000 # amount of time (ms) data should be accumulated before being sent buffer-max-size: 500 # maximum number of events that can be accumulated before triggering sending of data consider-stale-hours: 168 # time (hours) server can remain unresponsive before being considered stale maximum-future-time-diff-millis: 60000 # maximum difference between received data timestamp to current timestamp of the server that is allowed timeout-millis: 10000 # initial wait between retries exponential-backoff-multiplier: 2 # number by which the retry timeout should be multiplied before a subsequent retry. For example, by default, the third retry will happen after 6000 ms initial-server-grace-period-millis: 1000 # how long to wait for the first query (due to load time etc) number-of-retries: 3 # maximum number of retries backoff-max-delay-millis: 10000 # maximum time between successive retries regardless of other settings delay-on-error-millis: 300000 # time to wait (ms) after an error occurred socket-timeout-millis: 30000 # time to wait (ms) before giving up on executing a REST call on another server connect-timeout-millis: 10000 # time to wait (ms) before giving up on connecting to another server delete-stale-events-factor: 2.0 # how much to multiply consider-stale-hours before deleting any federation events, even if not sent max-stored-events: -1 # The threshold number of events stored in the database. -1 indicates unlimited number of events. auto-full-sync-recovered-servers: false # Set as true to automatically full synchronize stale events servers: - name: hello-1 # the name of the target server url: "" # the target server url active: true # whether the federation to this server is enabled or not entity-types-to-sync: # entity types to sync as part of federation. if not configured - fallback to outbound entity types to sync - users - groups - permissions - tokens permission-filters: # include and exclude patterns filtering permissions to federate per server include-patterns: - ".*a.*" - ".*b.*" exclude-patterns: - ".*aa.*" # Note! This feature is experimental. We recommend reaching out to JFrog support for assistance with configuring this, as it may affect other federation setups. group-filters: # include and exclude patterns filtering groups to federate per server include-patterns: - ".*a.*" - ".*b.*" exclude-patterns: - ".*aa.*" force-override: true # if true then the target (if access >= v7.8 or >= 6.21.1) will always erase local changes even if updated # - name: hello-2 # you can configure any number of target servers # url: "" inbound: # inbound configuration specifies receiving data number-of-retries: 3 # number of retries to consume the incoming data service-id-mapping: - from: jfrt@1234567890abcdef # service id to change from for permissions and tokens to: jfrt@fedcba0987654321 # service id to change to - from: jfbt@abcdefabcdefabcdef # any number of server mappings can be specified to: jfbt@aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa backoff-max-delay-millis: 30000 # maximum time between successive retries regardless of other settings exponential-backoff-multiplier: 2 # number by which the retry timeout should be multiplied before a subsequent retry. For example, by default, the third retry will happen after 6000 ms timeout-millis: 1000 # initial wait between retries permissions-resource-rename: - filter: "^docker-([A-Z]*)$" # pattern that will try to match the repository keys on incommming permission change map: "CN" # replacement for the capturing group of the regex - filter: "^mvn-([A-Z]*)$" map: # empty will remove the capturing group forward-propagation: false # Whether to forward federation changes to other servers or not, avoid combine with force-override to prevent circular propagation allow-partial-entity-sync: true # Whether to enable merge and resolve conflicts proxy: host: "localhost" # proxy's host port: 4567 # proxy's port db: batch-size: 2000 startup-check-enabled: true # If enabled, access will run some check on the DB setup at startup. licenses: # should only be set by Artifactory - server-name: "hello" key: "veryLongLicense" integrations-enabled: false # Default: false integration-templates: # list of possible integrations to create - id: "1" # The id of the integration template, to save a reference back from the integration. name: "my integration" # The name of the integration as will appear in the UI when creating a new integration. redirect-uri: "" # The redirect-uri that will direct users back to the integration client with the authorization code. scope: "applied-permissions/user" # Only this scope is currently supported. internal: false # Optional. Default false. Inidicates whether it's an internal template, meaning will not be returned to UI unless specifically asked to include internal templates. max-config-files-to-retain: 10 # maximum number of configuration file versions to save after being updated schema-version: 2 # Mark the configuration schema version. If it's not the latest version, a migration operation will be performed. do-not-import-this-file # Ignore: a marker to prevent import of this file crt-grace-millis-between-writes: 5000 # Default: 5000 events: # Settings for the JFrog Event client enabled: true # Whether to enable the JFrog Event integration. Default: true. connection-timeout-seconds: 60 # HTTP connection timeout (seconds). Default: 60. token-rotation-seconds: 600 # Generated Access tokens lifetime, between 60 (= 1 minute) and 604800 (= 7 days). Default: 600. multi-tenant: # Multi-tenant related config maximum-cache-size: 500 # Maximum size of multi-tenant aware caches
For the TLS flag above, the minimal version is TLS-1.2. When set, node-to-node communication via TLS will support only TLS with the version matching the minimal version and above.