gcConfig: #Garbage collection settings cronExp: "0 0 12 * * ?" #The Cron expression that determines the frequency of garbage collection. quotaConfig: #Storage quota configuration diskSpaceLimitPercentage: 0 #The percentage of available disk space that may be used for storage before Artifactory rejects deployments and issues errors diskSpaceWarningPercentage: 0 #The percentage of available disk space that may be used for storage before Artifactory issues warnings enabled: false #When set, Artifactory will monitor disk space usage and issue warnings and errors according to the quotas specified in diskSpaceLimitPercentage and diskSpaceWarningPercentage cleanupConfig: #Cleanup Unused Cached Artifacts cronExp: "0 0 12 * * ?" #A Cron expression that determines the frequency of artifacts cleanup virtualCacheCleanupConfig: #Virtual repositories cleanup configuration. The cleanup will delete cached POM files cronExp: "0 0 12 * * ?" #A Cron expression to control the frequency of when to run the cleanup