urlBase: https://someurl:8081/artifactory/ #A custom URL base is useful when Artifactory is running behind a proxy. In this case the base for URLs generated in Artifactory for links and redirect responses must be specified manually. fileUploadMaxSizeMb: 100 #The maximum size (in MB) allowed for artifacts uploaded through the web UI. Set to '0' for unlimited size. dateFormat: dd-MM-yy HH:mm:ss z #The date format for displaying dates in the web interface. offlineMode: false #If set, Artifactory does not try to access remote resources to fetch artifacts. Only cached and local artifacts are served. serverName: "MY_RT_SERVER_NAME" #It is possible to update the server name.
folderDownloadConfig: #Folder download configuration enabled: false #When set, folder download will be enabled maxConcurrentRequests: 10 #The maximum number of folder download requests that may be run concurrently maxDownloadSizeMb: 1024 #The maximum size (in MB) of a folder that may be downloaded maxFiles: 5000 #The maximum number artifacts that may be downloaded under one folder enabledForAnonymous: false #If enabled is set to true, setting this to true will allow anonymous users to download folders
replicationsConfig: #Global replication config blockPullReplications: false #When set, pull replication will be blocked regardless of the configuration for specific repositories blockPushReplications: false #When set, push replication will be blocked regardless of the configuration for specific repositories
systemMessageConfig: #System message configuration enabled: false #When set, the system message will be displayed message: "Some message" #The message to display. You can include links in the message using the following format: [<link URL>, <link text>] title: "Some title" #The title for the message titleColor: color #The color in Hex format (e.g. 99c27c)
trashcanConfig: #Trash can configuration enabled: true #If set, trash can will be enabled and deleted items will be stored in the trash can for the specified retention period retentionPeriodDays: 14 #The number of days to keep deleted items in the trash can before deleting permanently
propertySets: #Property sets configuration property-set1: #Property set name properties: #A list of properties that will be part of the property set set2property: predefinedValues: passed-QA: defaultValue: false closedPredefinedValues: false multipleChoice: false visible: true
proxies: #Proxies configuration proxy1: #The unique ID of the proxy setting domain: domainproxy1 #The proxy domain/realm name host: hostproxy1 #The name of the proxy host ntHost: nthostproxy1 #The computer name of the machine (the machine connecting to the NTLM proxy) password: password #The proxy password when authentication credentials are required port: 0 #The proxy port number redirectedToHosts: redirectedproxy1 #An optional list of newline or comma separated host names to which this proxy may redirect requests. The credentials defined for the proxy are reused by requests redirected to all of these hosts. username: user #The proxy username when authentication credentials are required platformDefault: false #When set, this proxy will be the default proxy for new remote repositories and for internal HTTP requests issued by Artifactory. Will also be used as proxy for all other services in the platform (for example: Xray, Distribution, etc) services: jfrt #An optional list of newline or comma separated services names to which this proxy be the default of. The options are jfrt, jfmc, jfxr, jfds
mailServer: #Mail server settings enabled: true #When set, mail notifications are enabled artifactoryUrl: http://someurl.com #The Artifactory URL to to link to in all outgoing messages (optional) from: john@company.com #The "from" address header to use in all outgoing messages (optional) host: #The mail server IP address / DNS username: user #The username for authentication with the mail server password: password #The password for authentication with the mail server port: 25 #The port number of the mail server subjectPrefix: "Notice" #A prefix to use for the subject of all outgoing mails ssl: false #When set, uses a secure connection to the mail server tls: false #When set, uses Transport Layer Security when connecting to the mail server