Using System YAMLs

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

Content Type
Installation & Setup

YAML File Format

The YAML file is constructed with keys and entities using the following format:

key: [entity]

For example:

YAML File FormatconfigVersion: 1
# common database used by all mission_control services
    type: postgresql
    host: localhost
    port: 5432
    name: mission_control

Configuration Value Hierarchy

Configuration values are applied according to the following hierarchy:

  1. Environment variables (.env file in case of Docker and Docker-Compose).

    if there are no variables, move to the next values

  2. System.yaml service section

    if nothing is found there

  3. System.yaml shared section

    if nothing is found there

  4. Etc.

If the you do not set any values in any of the files above, the application uses the default settings of the application.


The system yaml templates (system.full-template.yaml) represent the default value as they are configured in the application.

Applying Configuration Changes

Once you have configured your YAML file to include all the configuration changes needed, you can apply them by restarting the server.

Take care when modifying Artifactory configurations

Modifying the system configurations is an advanced feature. Since it is easy to overwrite configurations, it is strongly recommended backing up the configuration before making any direct changes, and taking great care when doing so.

Shared Configuration Versus Operation Microservices

As explained above, each product in the JFrog Platform has its own system.yaml file that enables you to configure its behavior. Each YAML file, however, includes both shared configurations — which apply to all of the JFrog Platform products — and dedicated operational microservices configurations, which are relevant only to that product.