The azure-blob-storage-v2
provider is used for configuring Azure Blob Storage as the remote filestore.
The Azure Blob Storage V2 Binary Provider is supported in Artifactory version 7.49 and later.
This binary provider uses the following set of parameters.
binariesDir | The directory to store the artifacts. Applicable for direct upload only. The default is |
tempDir | The temporary directory to store the artifacts during upload. Applicable for direct upload only. |
accountName | The storage account can be a general-purpose storage accountor a blob storage account which is specialized for storing objects/blobs. Your cloud storage provider identity. |
accountKey | Your cloud storage provider authentication credential. |
sasToken | This is a service SAS token, which is used as an authentication method and is an alternative to |
endpoint | The hostname. You should only use the default value unless you need to contact a different endpoint for testing or production purposes. Note: if the endpoint is not defined in the xml file it will be automatically generated with the default Azure Endpoints: Supported JFrog SubscriptionsThe Azure |
container | Your globally unique container name on Azure Blob Storage. |
path | Default: filestore. The path relative to the bucket where binary files are stored. |
httpsOnly | Default: true. When true, the cloud binary provider can be accessed using a secure HTTPS connection. |
testConnection | Default: true When true, Artifactory uploads and downloads a file when starting up to verify that the connection to the cloud storage provider is fully functional. |
enableSignedUrlRedirect | Enables direct cloud storage download. (applicable for self-hosted JPD) |
signedUrlExpirySeconds | Default: 30 (optional) Specifies the number of seconds that a signed URL provided to a requesting client for direct download from cloud storage is valid. (applicable for self-hosted JPD) |
multiPartLimit | Default: 268,435,456. File size threshold (in bytes) over which file uploads are chunked and multi-threaded. |
multipartElementSize | Default: 104,857,600. The chunk size when multiPartLimit is used. If a tag is not set, the default value will be applied. |
maxConnections | Default: 5 per hour. Sets the maximum HTTP client connections for the client. |
You must configure the Azure Blob Storage provider with parameters specific to your account (but can leave all other parameters with the recommended values).
The snippets below show the basic template configuration and examples that use the Azure Blob Storage binary provider.