Insight HA Interactive Script Installation

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

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Installation & Setup

All install types are supported, including: Docker Compose, Linux Archive, RPM, and Debian.

The installer script provides you an interactive way to install Insight and its dependencies. All install types are supported. Use this installer for Docker Compose.

Install the First Node

  1. Install the first node. The installation is identical to the single node installation.

  2. Start the Insight service.

    systemd OS

    systemctl start insight.service


    service insight start

    Docker Compose

    cd jfrog-insight-<version>-compose
    docker-compose -p insight up -d


    You can install and manage Insight as a service in a Linux archive installation. Refer the Start Insight section under Manual Linux Archive Installation for more details.

    Linux Archive

    insight/app/bin/ start
  3. Access Insight from your browser at: http://<jfrogUrl>/ui/ and go to the Dashboard tab in the Application module in the UI.

  4. Check the Insight log.

    tail -f $JFROG_HOME/insight/var/log/console.log

    Docker Compose

    docker-compose -p insight logs
Install Additional Nodes

For a node to join a cluster, the node must have the same database configuration and the master key.

  1. If you installed Search Guard along with Elasticsearch , you must copy the client and node certificates from Elasticsearch's configuration folder in the primary node to all the additional nodes.

    If you want to use the bundled Elasticsearch installation with Insight in RPM and Debian installations, copy the client and node certificates from Elasticsearch's configuration folder from the master node to a new directory named as "sg-certs" under the extracted folder on additional node.


    Create the folder, sg-certs inside the installer folder, jfrog-insight-<version>-rpm.

    Copy localhost.key, localhost.pem, and root-ca.pem from the Elasticsearch source folder, /etc/elasticsearch/, to jfrog-insight-<version>-rpm/sg-certs.


    Create the folder, sg-certs inside the installer folder, jfrog-insight-<version>-deb.

    Copy localhost.key, localhost.pem, and root-ca.pem from the Elasticsearch source folder, /etc/elasticsearch/, to jfrog-insight-<version>-deb/sg-certs.

    Docker Compose

    Docker Compose installer uses pre-generated certificates for Search Guard. You do not need to manually copy the client and node certificates.

  2. Install the additional node. The installation is identical to the single node installation with the following differences:

    • Enter Y when the installer prompts whether to join a cluster.

    • Enter the database connection string of the primary node.

    • If you use the bundled PostgreSQL database, enter the database name as insight.

    • Enter the master key of the primary Insight node.

      The master key is available at $JFROG_HOME/etc/security/master.key.

  3. Start the additional node.

  4. Access Insight from your browser at: http://<jfrogUrl>/ui/ and go to the Dashboard tab in the Application module in the UI.

  5. Check the Insight log.

    tail -f $JFROG_HOME/insight/var/log/console.log

    Docker Compose

    docker-compose -p insight logs