The following section addresses security-related issues in the Helm Charts installation, such as managing subscriptions and secrets, network policy, and more.
Customizing the Database Password
You can override the specified database password (set in values.yaml
), by passing it as a parameter in the install command line.
helm upgrade --install artifactory --namespace artifactory --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=12_hX34qwerQ2 jfrog/artifactory
You can customize other parameters in the same way, by passing them in the helm install
command line.
Creating an Ingress Object
To get Helm to create an ingress object with a hostname, add these lines to the artifactory-ingress-values.yaml
file and use it with your helm install or upgrade.
ingress: enabled: true hosts: - artifactory: service: type: NodePort nginx: enabled: false helm upgrade --install artifactory -f artifactory-ingress-values.yaml --namespace artifactory jfrog/artifactory
If your cluster allows for automatic creation/retrieval of TLS certificates (for example, by using a cert-manager; for more information, see cert-manager
), create the ingress object as follows.
To configure TLS manually, first create/retrieve a key and certificate pair for the address(es) you wish to protect.
Next, create a TLS secret in the namespace.
kubectl create secret tls artifactory-tls --cert=path/to/tls.cert --key=path/to/tls.key
Include the secret's name, along with the desired hostnames, in the Artifactory Ingress TLS section of your custom
file.ingress: ## If true, Artifactory Ingress will be created ## enabled: true ## Artifactory Ingress hostnames ## Must be provided if Ingress is enabled ## hosts: - annotations: "true" ## Artifactory Ingress TLS configuration ## Secrets must be manually created in the namespace ## tls: - secretName: artifactory-tls hosts: -
Using Ingress Annotations
The following is an example of an Ingress annotation that enables Artifactory to work as a Docker Registry using the Repository Path method. For more information, see Artifactory as Docker Registry.
ingress: enabled: true defaultBackend: enabled: false hosts: - annotations: "true" "0" "600" "600" nginx | rewrite ^/(v2)/token /artifactory/api/docker/null/v2/token; rewrite ^/(v2)/([^\/]*)/(.*) /artifactory/api/docker/$2/$1/$3; "0" tls: - hosts: - ""
If you are using Artifactory as an SSO provider (e.g., with Xray), you will need to use the following annotations, and change to your domain.
.. annotations: nginx | proxy_pass_header Server; proxy_set_header X-JFrog-Override-Base-Url https://<artifactory-domain>;
Adding Additional Ingress Rules
You also have the option of adding additional Ingress rules to the Artifactory Ingress. An example for this use case would be to route the /xray path to Xray. To do that, simply add the following to the artifactory-values.yaml
file and run the upgrade.
ingress: enabled: true defaultBackend: enabled: false annotations: nginx | rewrite "(?i)/xray(/|$)(.*)" /$2 break; additionalRules: | - host: <MY_HOSTNAME> http: paths: - path: / backend: serviceName: <XRAY_SERVER_SERVICE_NAME> servicePort: <XRAY_SERVER_SERVICE_PORT> - path: /xray backend: serviceName: <XRAY_SERVER_SERVICE_NAME> servicePort: <XRAY_SERVER_SERVICE_PORT> - path: /artifactory backend: serviceName: {{ template "artifactory.nginx.fullname" . }} servicePort: {{ .Values.nginx.externalPortHttp }} helm upgrade --install xray jfrog/artifactory -f artifactory-values.yaml