Xray Single Node Interactive Script Upgrade (Recommended)

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

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Installation & Setup

Upgrading to Xray 3.70.0 or later from an Xray version prior to 3.70.0

If you are upgrading to Xray 3.70.0 or later from an Xray version prior to 3.70.0, your installation contains RabbitMQ 3.8.x. Feature flags in RabbitMQ have to be enabled before you can upgrade, since Xray 3.70.0 and later contains RabbitMQ 3.11.x and later.

Before you proceed with the upgrade, go to RabbitMQ Upgrade to version 3.11.x and set feature flags in RabbitMQ.

The installer script works with all supported upgrade methods (RPM, Debian, and Docker Compose). It provides you an interactive way to upgrade Xray and its dependencies.

  1. Download Xray (RPM, Debian, or Docker Compose).

  2. Stop the service.

    systemd OS

    systemctl stop xray.service

    systemv OS

    service xray stop

    Docker Compose

    cd jfrog-xray-<version>-compose
    docker-compose -p xray down
  3. Extract the contents of the compressed archive and go to the extracted folder. The installer script is located in the extracted folder.

    tar -xvf jfrog-xray-<version>-<compose|rpm|deb>.tar.gz
    cd jfrog-xray-<version>-<compose|rpm|deb>

    Note: For Docker Compose upgrades, make sure to merge any customizations in your current docker-compose.yaml file to the new extracted version of thedocker-compose.yamlfile.


    Copy the contents of the .env file in the previous installation to the newly created .env file in this archive without copying the versions, as this will affect the upgrade.

  4. Run the installer script.

    If needed, the script will prompt you with a series of mandatory inputs, including the jfrogURL (custom base URL) and joinKey.




  5. Start the Xray service.

    systemd OS

    systemctl start xray.service

    systemv OS

    systemctl start xray

    Docker Compose

    cd jfrog-xray-<version>-compose
    docker-compose -p xray up -d
  6. Access Xray from your browser at: http://<jfrogUrl>/ui/, go the Xray tab in the Application module in the UI.

  7. Check Xray Log.

    tail -f $JFROG_HOME/xray/var/log/console.log
RabbitMQ Upgrade to version 3.11.x

Xray version 3.70.0 and later includes RabbitMQ version 3.11.x later. An upgrade to Rabbit MQ 3.11.x requires feature flags to be enabled. For more information, refer to Required Feature Flags in RabbitMQ 3.11.0.

Enable Feature Flags in Helm Installation

For Helm, we have added a pre-upgrade hook that enables feature flags in RabbitMQ before the upgrade to version 3.11.x and later. The hook runs automatically when you run the upgrade command. You can disable the hook for the subsequent upgrades.

Manual Migration Operation

You can also do the migration operation manually before you start the upgrade.

Run the following command inside the RabbitMQ container.

rabbitmqctl enable_feature_flag all

Ensure that you disable the pre-upgrade hook after you perform manual migration.

Disable Pre-upgrade Hook

Update the following values in the values.yaml file to disable the pre-upgrade hook.


You can also pass these values along with the Helm upgrade command.

For example:

$ helm upgrade --install xray --namespace xray jfrog/xray --set rabbitmq.migration.enabled=false --set rabbitmq.rabbitmqUpgradeReady=true
Enable Feature Flags in Linux Installations

You need to manually run the migration operation for RabbitMQ before you start Xray upgrade for your Linux installation (RPM, Debian, and Linux Archive).

Run the following command in the nodes that run RabbitMQ.

sudo -H -u xray bash -c 'export RABBITMQ_FEATURE_FLAGS="drop_unroutable_metric,empty_basic_get_metric,implicit_default_bindings,maintenance_mode_status,quorum_queue,stream_queue,user_limits,virtual_host_metadata"'
sudo -H -u xray bash -c '/opt/jfrog/xray/app/third-party/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmqctl enable_feature_flag all'
Enable Feature Flags in Docker Compose

Run the following command inside the RabbitMQ container.

rabbitmqctl enable_feature_flag all