Delete Xray Helm Installation

JFrog Installation & Setup Documentation

Content Type
Installation & Setup


Deleting Xray using the commands below will also delete your data volumes and you will lose all of your data. You must back up all this information before deletion.

To remove Xray services and data tools, use the following command.

Helm v3

helm delete xray --namespace xray # Remove the data disks kubectl delete pvc -l release=xray

If Xray was installed without providing a value to rabbitmq.rabbitmqPassword/rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqPassword (a password was autogenerated), follow these instructions.

  1. Get the current password by running this command.

    RABBITMQ_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n <namespace> <myrelease>-rabbitmq -o jsonpath="{.data.rabbitmq-password}" | base64 --decode)
  2. Upgrade the release by passing the previously auto-generated secret.

    helm upgrade <myrelease> jfrog/xray --set rabbitmq.rabbitmqPassword=${RABBITMQ_PASSWORD}/rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqPassword=${RABBITMQ_PASSWORD}

If Xray was installed with all of the default values (e.g., with no user-provided values for RabbitMQ/PostgreSQL), follow these steps.

  1. Retrieve all current passwords (RabbitMQ/PostgreSQL) as explained in the above section.

  2. Upgrade the release by passing the previously auto-generated secrets.

    helm upgrade --install xray --namespace xray jfrog/xray --set rabbitmq-ha.rabbitmqPassword=<rabbit-password> --set postgresql.pos