This topic reviews how to upgrade Artifactory in the Google GCP GKE Kubernetes App.
To upgrade Artifactory in the Google GCP GKE Kubernetes App:
The upgrade is only supported for 6.x to 6.x and 7.x to 7.x with an expected small downtime window.
Go to the GKE workloads page, select the project where the app is deployed.The workloads must be upgraded manually, according to the following steps.
Select the master workload:
<app-name>- artifactory-ha-primary master
.Change YAML from<existing version><new version>
in all locations, without changing the annotations.Select the JFrog GKE registry from a list of all versions (optional).
Change the image to pull directly from JFrog, where images are updated at a more regular interval. Use<new version>
(optional) as the URL.Scale the deployment to zero.
Increase the deployment to 1.
Save the change.
The new version of the primary workload appears.
Change the image to pull from the secondary workload:
.Scale the deployment to zero.
Increase the deployment to previous member count (usually 2).
The new version of the secondary workload appears.
Verify all the nodes possess the correct version of the UI | Administration | Monitoring | Service Status.