To upload or download files to and from your Artifactory server, you need to create an Artifactory server instance in your Pipeline script.
If your Artifactory server is already defined in Jenkins, you only need its server ID which can be obtained under Manage | Configure System.
Then, to create your Artifactory server instance, add the following line to your script:
def server = Artifactory.server 'my-server-id'
If your Artifactory is not defined in Jenkins you can still create it as follows:
def server = Artifactory.newServer url: 'artifactory-url', username: 'username', password: 'password'
You can also user Jenkins Credential ID instead of username and password:
def server = Artifactory.newServer url: 'artifactory-url', credentialsId: 'ccrreeddeennttiiaall'
You can modify the server object using the following methods:
// If Jenkins is configured to use an http proxy, you can bypass the proxy when using this Artifactory server: server.bypassProxy = true // If you're using username and password: server.username = 'new-user-name' server.password = 'new-password' // If you're using Credentials ID: server.credentialsId = 'ccrreeddeennttiiaall' // Configure the connection timeout (in seconds). // The default value (if not configured) is 300 seconds: server.connection.timeout = 300
Use variables
We recommend using variables rather than plain text to specify the Artifactory server details.