JFrog Artifactory Build Promotion Task

JFrog Integrations Documentation

Content Type



Artifactory URL

Please refer to parameters for the JFrog Artifactory Deployer task.

Target Repository

Please refer to parameters for the JFrog Artifactory Deployer task.

Override Credentials

Please refer to parameters for the JFrog Artifactory Deployer task.

User Login

Please refer to parameters for the JFrog Artifactory Deployer task.

User API Key

Please refer to parameters for the JFrog Artifactory Deployer task.

Build Name (optional)

The name of the build from which to download artifacts. If not provided, the task will use values from environment variables if available.

Build Number (optional)

The number of the build from which to download artifacts. If not provided, the task will use values from environment variables if available.

Build Status

Target status for promotion.

Comment (Optional)

Optional comment to add.

Target Repository (Optional)

You may set this parameter if you want the build moved/copied to a target repository.

Copy artifacts

If checked, build artifacts will be copied, otherwise they will be moved.

Copy/move build dependencies

If checked, the build dependencies will also be copied/moved in the promotion.

Properties (optional)

You may add a set of properties separated by a semicolon.