Set Up Artifactory / Xray Integration with AWS Using CloudFormation

JFrog Integrations Documentation

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This topic reviews how to set up Artifactory / Xray integration with AWS using CloudFormation.

To set up Artifactory / Xray integration with AWS using CloudFormation:


  1. Select the Pro or ProX deployment option from the table below.

  2. Change the deployed region name (Optional).

  3. Complete the form.

    1. Essential Configuration

      • SSH key name: an existing public/private key pair, which allows you to connect securely to your instance after it launches. This is the key pair you created in your preferred region

      • Database Password: AWS RDS PSQL database password for JFrog

      • Availability Zones


        2 zones must be selected within the VPC.

      • Remote access CIDR: Range that allows you to connect to the bastion instance by using SSH

    2. Optional Configuration (recommended for production).

      • Artifactory certificate secret name: created in AWS Secrets Manager containing the SSL certificate and certificate key

      • Artifactory server name: matches the domain name stored in the Artifactory certificate secret

      • All other settings are optional or have defaults but can be modified to your requirements

  4. Select Create Stack and follow the instructions.

    The stack will take 10-20 minutes to spin up.

  5. Select stack's Outputs section for the URL to access your instance.

  6. Create a route53 entry for the load balancer to your desired domain name (Optional).


  1. Select the Enterprise or EnterpriseX deployment option from the table below.

  2. Change the deployed region name (Optional).

  3. Complete the form, from the tab Essential Configuration.

  4. Follow the detailed instructions in AWS Deployment Guide.

Deployment Type

License requirement

Product Configuration

Deployment Option


1 Pro (or higher)

  • 1 JFrog Artifactory instance


1 ProX (or higher)

  • 1 JFrog Artifactory instance

  • 1 JFrog Xray instance


3+ Enterprise (or higher)

  • 3+ JFrog Artifactory instances


3+ EnterpriseX (or higher)

  • 3+ JFrog Artifactory instances

  • 3+ JFrog Xray instances