Create and Update Release Bundles - Scripted Pipeline Syntax

JFrog Integrations Documentation

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The createReleaseBundle and updateReleaseBundle methods create and update a release bundle on JFrog Distribution. The methods accept the release bundle name and release bundle version to be created. The methods also accept a File Spec, which defines the files in Artifactory to be bundled into the release bundle. Let's start by creating the File Spec as follows.

def fileSpec = """{
    "files": [{
        "pattern": "libs-repo/release/*.zip"

Now let's create the release bundle as follows.

dsServer.createReleaseBundle name: 'release-bundle-1', version: '1.0.0', spec: fileSoec

The above createReleaseBundle method supports additional optional arguments as shown below.

        version: '1.0.0', 
        spec: fileSoec
        // The default is "plain_text". The syntax for the release notes. Can be one of 'markdown', 'asciidoc', or 'plain_text'.
    releaseNotesSyntax: "markdown",
    // Optional. If set to true, automatically signs the release bundle version.
    signImmediately: true,
    // Optional. Path to a file describing the release notes for the release bundle version.
    releaseNotesPath: "path/to/release-notes",
    // Optional. The passphrase for the signing key.
    gpgPassphrase: "abc",
    // Optional. A repository name at the source Artifactory instance, to store release bundle artifacts in. If not provided, Artifactory will use the default one.
    storingRepo: "release-bundles-1",
    // Optional.
    description: "Some desc",
    // Optional. Path to a file with the File Spec content.
    specPath: "path/to/filespec.json",
    // Optional. Set to true to disable communication with JFrog Distribution.
    dryRun: true

The updateReleaseBundle method accepts the exact same arguments as the createReleaseBundle method.