Create a JFrog Platform user to be set in IDEA

JFrog Integrations Documentation

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Follow these steps to create a JFrog Platform user for IntelliJ IDEA. The user will have limited permissions, which only allow viewing the CI information inside IDEA.

  1. Make sure JFrog CLI is installed on your local machine by running

    jfrog -v

    If it is not installed, install it.

  2. Run the following command to create a Users Group in the JFrog Platform. We'll use the name ide-developers for the Group. Feel free to choose a different name.

    jfrog rt group-create ide-developers
  3. Run the following commands to create a Permission in the JFrog Platform. We'll use the name ide-developers-perm for the Permission. Feel free to choose a different name. Notice that the Group name we created is also included in the following commands.

    echo {\"build\":{\"include-patterns\":\"**\"\,\"actions-groups\":{\"ide-developers\":\"read\"}}\,\"name\":\"ide-developers-perm\"} > ./perm-temp
    jfrog rt ptc ./perm-temp
    rm ./perm-temp
  4. Create the JFrog Platform user by running the following command, after replacing the <username>, <password>, and <email> tokens. Notice that the Group name we created is also included in the following command.

    jfrog rt user-create <username> <password> <email> --users-groups ide-developers