Delete Release Bundles - Declarative Pipeline Syntax

JFrog Integrations Documentation

Content Type

Here's how you delete a release bundle.

    serverId: "jfrog-instance-1",
    name: "example-release-bundle",
    version: "1",
        // Optional distribution rules
    distRules: """{
            "distribution_rules": [
                "site_name": "*",
                "city_name": "*",
                "country_codes": ["*"]
        // Optional country codes. Cannot be used together with 'distRules')    
        countryCodes: ["001", "002"]
        // Optional site name. Cannot be used together with 'distRules')
        siteName: "my-site",
        // Optional city name. Cannot be used together with 'distRules')
        cityName: "New York",
        // Optional. If set to true, the response will be returned only after the deletion is completed.
    sync: true,
        // Optional. If set to true, the release bundle will also be deleted on the source Artifactory instance, and not only on the edge node.
    deleteFromDist: true,
        // Optional. Set to true to disable communication with JFrog Distribution.
        dryRun: true