Release bundles must be signed before they can be distributed. Here's how you sign a release bundle.
Sign a release bundle
dsSignReleaseBundle( serverId: "jfrog-instance-1", name: "example-release-bundle", version: "1", // Optional GPG passphrase gpgPassphrase: "abc", // Optional repository name at the source Artifactory instance, to store release bundle artifacts in. If not provided, Artifactory will use the default one. storingRepo: "release-bundles-1" )
Distributing Release Bundles
Here's how you distribute a signed release bundle.
Distribute a release bundle
dsDeleteReleaseBundle( serverId: "jfrog-instance-1", name: "example-release-bundle", version: "1", // Optional distribution rules distRules: """{ "distribution_rules": [ { "site_name": "*", "city_name": "*", "country_codes": ["*"] } ] }""", // Optional country codes. Cannot be used together with 'distRules' countryCodes: ["001", "002"], // Optional site name. Cannot be used together with 'distRules' siteName: "my-site", // Optional city name. Cannot be used together with 'distRules' cityName: "New York", // Optional. If set to true, the response will be returned only after the distribution is completed. sync: true, // Optional. Set to true to disable communication with JFrog Distribution. dryRun: true }