Configure Jobs Configure Gradle Builds when working with the Jenkins Artifactory Plugin

JFrog Integrations Documentation

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Job Configuration_Gradle.png



Project uses the Artifactory Gradle Plugin

If this checkbox is not set, Jenkins assumes that the com.jfrog.artifactory plugin is not applied in the gradle script. It will then try to apply it, by adding an init script when triggering the gradle build.

Capture and publish build info

Check if you wish to publish build information to Artifactory.

Override build name

Check if you wish to override Artifactory default build name.

Publish artifacts to Artifactory

Check if you wish to publish produced build artifacts to Artifactory.

Publish Maven descriptors

Check if you wish to publish Gradle-generated POM files to Artifactory. Note: Maven descriptors are always deployed according to the Maven layout convention.

Publish Ivy descriptors

Check if you wish to publish Gradle-generated ivy.xml descriptor files to Artifactory.

Use Maven compatible patterns

Whether to use the default Maven patterns when publishing artifacts and Ivy descriptors, or to use custom patterns. Dots in [organization] will be converted to slashes on path transformation.

Filter excluded artifacts from build Info

Add the excluded files to the excludedArtifacts list and remove them from the artifacts list in the build info.

Enable isolated resolution for downstream builds (requires Artifactory Pro

When checked, a build parameter named ARTIFACTORY_BUILD_ROOT with a value of ${JOB_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER} will be sent to downstream builds.

For example: ARTIFACTORY_BUILD_ROOT=Infrastructure-1025. The value of the parameter is also attached to published artifacts as the property: build.root as a matrix parameter on the deployment URL.

Downstream builds will add build.root=${ARTIFACTORY_BUILD_ROOT} as a matrix parameter to their Artifactory resolution URL

For example: build.root=Infrastructure-1025 to achieve isolated resolution from Artifactory and only resolve artifacts produced by the root build that triggered it, avoiding any artifacts produced by other runs that are out of the build chain.

Enable release management

Artifactory supports release management through the Jenkins Artifactory Plugin.

When you run your builds using Maven or Gradle with jobs that use Git or Perforce as your version control system, you can manually stage a release build allowing you to:

  • Change values for the release and next development version.

  • Choose a target staging repository for deployment of the release.

  • Create a VCS tag for the release.

Staged release builds can later be promoted or rolled-back, changing their release status in Artifactory and, optionally, moving the build artifacts to a different target repository.

Inside Artifactory, the history of all build status change activities (staged, promoted, rolled-back, etc.) is recorded and displayed for full traceability.

When release management is enabled, the Artifactory release staging link appears on the top header bar in the job page.