The release notes for versions 3.18.1 and above are available here.
Breaking Change - Builds that utilize Gradle version below 6.8.1 are no longer supported.
The reason for this change is to support the Gradle Version Catalog feature.
3.18.0 (29 December 2022)
Support excluding build info module properties
Add support for virtual and federated repositories in UI jobs.
Filter suspected secrets from env vars values
Gradle - Publish bom files when ‘java-platform’ plugin applied
Maven - Remove the dummy remote repository.
3.17.4 (1 December 2022)
Bug fix - ConcurrentModificationException in UnifiedPromoteBuildAction
Make the Ivy plugin optional
3.17.3 (10 November 2022)
Support Maven opts from jvm.config file
Bug fix - Remove custom exception for unknown violation types
Bug fix - Sha256 being set to literal "SHA-256" in build-info json
3.17.2 (19 October 2022)
Bug fix - Pom doesn't get deployed using Maven Install plugin 3+
3.17.1 (28 September 2022)
Bug fix - Add CopyOnWriteArrayList to SetModules in buildInfoDeployer
Bug fix - Remove Cause.UserIdCause
Bug fix - Support Docker module ID with slash
3.17.0 (21 July 2022)
Support JFrog Projects in Gradle/Generic jobs -
3.16.3 (4 July 2022)
Bugfix - Broken AQL request when build is not defined in FilesGroup -
Bugfix - Usage report fails with access tokens -
Bugfix - Create workspace directories if missing -
3.16.2 (24 April 2022)
Bug fix - Calling MavenDescriptor.transform() results in java.lang.StackOverflowError -
Bug fix - NoSuchMethodError in Maven builds -
Bug fix - Fails to fetch Promotion Plugins -
Bug fix - When project provided, "projectKey" query parameter should be added to build info URL -
Bug fix - Incorrect Docker manifest path when collecting build-info -
Bug fix - Warning about missing Git branch should be in debug level -
3.16.1 (20 March 2022)
Bug fix - credentials not loaded in global configuration -
3.16.0 (16 March 2022)
Maven - Support projects in UI jobs -
Maven - Deploy only in mvn install/deploy phases - &
Gradle - Support Gradle 8 -
Go - Filter out unused dependencies from build info -
Add Jenkins scoped credentials to credentials list -
Add information to the exception threw when a pipeline job fails -
Bug fix - Stay on step context Node when finding root workspace -
Bug fix - In some cases, the project parameter in Maven is ignored -
Bug fix - Distribution declarative steps should be unblocking -
Bug fix - In some cases, the build-info URL is wrong - &
Bug fix - Failed to save System configuration -
Bug fix - in some cases, Docker module name in build-info is wrong -
3.15.4 (6 February 2022)
Bug fix - NoClassDefFoundError when running rtDockerPush -
Bug fix - Can't promote builds with projects -
3.15.3 (26 January 2022)
Bug fix - Signature of AmazonCorrettoCryptoProvider couldn't found -
3.15.2 (20 January 2022)
Add SHA2 to upload files-
Bug fix - Add 'localpath' to artifact -
3.15.1 (6 January 2022)
Calculate SHA2 in builds -
Bug fix - Fix possible NullPointerException in getDeployableArtifactPropertiesMap -
Bug fix - Remove JGit dependency -
3.15.0 (3 January 2022)
Add support to VCS branch and VCS message -
Add VCS properties on late deploy artifacts -
Bug fix - HasSnapshot always returns true -
3.14.2 (7 December 2021)
Exclude common-lang2.4 dependency -
3.14.1 (6 December 2021)
Maven builds now also deploy to Artifactory using the ‘deploy’ phase -
Add gradle-enterprise-maven-extension-1.11.1.jar to mvn classpath -
Bug fix - Build-info ignores duplicate artifacts checksum -
Upgrade common-lang2.4 to common-lang3 -
3.13.2 (23 September 2021)
Bug fix - Xray Scan generates an exception -
3.13.1 (2 September 2021)
Bug fix - NPE in Gradle jobs when deployer is empty -
Bug fix - NPE in Gradle when build info was not generated -
Bug fix - NPE in extractVcs when running on the master -
3.13.0 (17 August 2021)
Show deployed Gradle artifacts -
Improved build scan table -
Bug fix - Autofill JFrog servers get triggered for the wrong server-id -
Bug fix - Go jobs don't run on Docker images when they should -
Bug fix - Go jobs don't collect environment variables when they should -
3.12.5 (20 July 2021)
Bug fix - Exception raised when workflow - multibranch plugin is not installed -
Bug fix - Fail to deserialize deployable artifacts -
Gradle - Skip uploading JAR if no jar produced in build -
Make download headers comparisons case insensitive -
3.12.4 (7 July 2021)
Bug fix - Save JFrog instances for the first time throws NPE -
3.12.3 (5 July 2021)
Bug fix - ReportUsage throws an exception for Artifactory version 6.9.0 -
Bug fix - BuildInfo link is broken if contains special characters -
3.12.1 (30 Jun 2021)
Add new JFrog Distribution commands -
Support collecting build-info for Docker images created by Kaniko and JIB -
Support Maven wrapper -
Add project option to scan build -
Support multibranch Artifactory trigger -
Bug fix - Legacy patterns doesn't display defined instances -
Bug fix - Link to BuildInfo page gets encoding twice -
Bug fix - In some cases, NoSuchMethodError raised using IOUtils.toString -
3.11.4 (31 May 2021)
Bug fix - Error when trying to download an empty (zero bytes size) file -
Bug fix - Deploy file doesn't print full URL in the log output -
3.11.3 (29 May 2021)
Bug fix - Artifactory servers are missing in Jenkins dropdown list -
Bug fix - Ignore missing fields while deserialize HTTP response -
Bug fix - Build retention service sends an empty body -
Bug fix - Artifactory Trigger cannot deserialize instance ItemLastModified -
3.11.2 (26 May 2021)
Bug fix - Set bypassProxy in the configuration page fails
3.11.1 (25 May 2021)
Gradle - Improve Gradle transitive dependency collection -
Bug fix - Compatibility with JCasC fails -
3.11.0 (19 May 2021)
Update commons-codec and commons-io -
Add JFrog platform URL to Jenkins configuration page -
Add support for Artifactory Projects -
Add support for npm 7.7 -
Add support for NuGet V3 protocol - &
Bug fix - Gradle init script with space in path causes failure -
Bug fix - env doesn't collected in npm, Go, Pip, and NuGet builds -
3.10.6 (23 Mar 2021)
Bug fix - root workspace detection from flow -
Bug fix - tests for upload files with props omit multiple slashes -
Bug fix - Legacy patterns in existing Freestyle jobs are messed-up -
Bug fix - upload files with props omit multiple slashes -
Bug fix - Git-collect-issues should ignore errors when the revision of the previous build info doesn't exist -
Add usage report for pipeline APIs -
Populate requestedBy field in NPM build-info -
Populate requestedBy field in Gradle build-info -
3.10.5 (25 Feb 2021)
3.10.4 (25 Jan 2021)
Legacy patterns option removed from newly created Freestyle jobs
Support a new ALL_PUBLICATIONS option bt gradle pipeline deployer API
Bug fix - java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
Bug fix - Conan - incorrect quotation marks
Bug fix - Allow rtBuildInfo to configure existing server configuration
Bug fix - Freestyle jobs UI crashes following recent changes in Jenkins
3.10.3 (3 Jan 2021)
Bug fix ( HAP-1439)
3.10.2 (3 Jan 2021)
Bug fix ( HAP-1438)
3.10.1 (29 December 2020)
3.10.0 (1 December 2020)
3.9.1 (25 November 2020)
3.9.0 (27 October 2020)
Support Docker pull ( HAP-1397)
Fix and improve interactive promotions UI ( HAP-1394)
Get Artifactory trigger path which caused the build ( HAP-1246)
Breaking change - BuildInfo.getArtifacts() Api returns the artifact's remote path without repository ( HAP-1426).
Bug fixes ( HAP-1398, HAP-1384, HAP-1399, HAP-1385, HAP-1382, HAP-1396, HAP-1392, HAP-1391, HAP-1390, HAP-1379, HAP-1395)
3.8.1 (28 August 2020)
Bug fix ( HAP-1378)
3.8.0 (17 August 2020)
Breaking change - Push / pull docker image steps use as a separate Java process ( HAP-1375)
Define Artifactory Trigger using pipeline script ( HAP-1373)
Support for NuGet & .NET Core CLI in scripted and declarative pipelines ( HAP-1370)
Support for Python in scripted and declarative pipelines ( HAP-1369)
Allow defining Gradle Publications in scripted and declarative pipelines ( HAP-1367)
Display the list of deployed artifacts on the job summary page for maven builds ( HAP-1346)
Support for JCasC (Jenkins Configuration as Code) ( HAP-1092)
3.7.2 (7 July 2020)
3.7.0 (25 June 2020)
3.6.2 (4 May 2020)
3.6.1 (19 Mar 2020)
3.6.0 (9 Mar 2020)
Parallel maven and gradle deployments ( HAP-1308)
Build-info module name customisation for generic, npm and go builds ( HAP-1259)
Docker foreign layers support ( HAP-1314)
Jenkins core API bump ( HAP-1312)
Support the conan client's verify SSL option ( HAP-1309)
Fixes and improvements ( HAP-1313, HAP-1311, HAP-1305, HAP-1304, HAP-1303, HAP-1299, HAP-1297, HAP-1295, HAP-1290, HAP-1286, HAP-1283, HAP-1286, HAP-1286, HAP-1395)
3.5.0 (30 Dec 2019)
New Go pipeline APIs ( HAP-1272)
Support access token auth with Artifactory ( HAP-1271)
File Specs - support for sorting. ( HAP-1215)
Gradle pipeline - support defining snapshot and release repositories. ( HAP-1174)
Replace the usage of gradle's maven plugin with the maven-publish plugin. ( HAP-1096)
NPM pipeline - allow running inside a container. ( HAP-1261)
New Xray Scan Report icon. ( HAP-1274)
Bug fixes ( HAP-1265, HAP-1264, HAP-1250, HAP-1240, HAP-1243, HAP-954, HAP-1268)
3.4.1 (23 Sep 2019)
3.4.0 (5 Sep 2019)
Allow adding projects issues to the build-info in pipeline jobs ( HAP-1231)
Attach vcs.url and vcs.revision to files uploaded from a pipeline job ( HAP-1233)
Conan remote.add pipeline API - support "force" and "remoteName" ( HAP-1232)
Bug fixes ( HAP-1230, HAP-1229, HAP-1225, HAP-1224, HAP-1219, HAP-1218, HAP-1214, HAP-1210, HAP-1209, HAP-1190)
3.3.2 (2 July 2019)
3.3.0 (17 June 2019)
3.2.4 (5 June 2019)
3.2.3 (4 June 2019)
3.2.2 (31 Mar 2019)
3.2.1 (20 Feb 2019)
Bug fix ( HAP-1156)
3.2.0 (18 Feb 2019)
3.1.2 (11 Feb 2019)
Bug fix ( HAP-1146)
3.1.1 (10 Feb 2019)
3.1.0 (16 Jan 2019)
3.0.0 (31 Dec 2018)
Upgrade to Java 8 - Maven, Gradle and Ivy builds no longer support JDK 7
Support for Declarative syntax in Generic Maven and Gradle builds ( HAP-1093)
Support for npm in scripted pipeline ( HAP-1044)
Support for Artifactory trigger ( HAP-1012)
New Fail No Op flag in generic pipeline ( HAP-1123)
Breaking changes: Removal of deprecated features ( HAP-1119)
Bug fixes & Improvements ( HAP-1120, HAP-1121, HAP-1122, HAP-1113, HAP-1112, HAP-1110, HAP-1102, HAP 1098, HAP-1090, HAP-1124)
2.16.2 (9 Jul 2018)
2.16.1 (3 May 2018)
2.16.0 (1 May 2018)
2.15.1 (1 Apr 2018)
2.15.0 (14 Mar 2018)
File Specs - File larger than 5mb are now downloaded concurrently ( HAP-1041)
Add support for Jenkins job-DSL ( HAP-1028)
Validate git credentials early in Artifactory Release Staging ( HAP-1027)
Bug fixes & improvements ( HAP-1042, HAP-1039, HAP-1031, HAP-1030, HAP-1029, HAP-1026, HAP-1025, HAP-1024, HAP-1021, HAP-1019, HAP-999, HAP-970)
2.14.0 (28 Dec 2017)
2.13.1 (26 Oct 2017)
2.13.0 (27 Sep 2017)
Support JFrog DSL from within Docker containers ( HAP-937)
Release Staging API - Send release and queue metadata back as JSON in the response body ( HAP-971)
Allow adding properties in a pipeline docker push ( HAP-974, HAP-977)
Support pattern exclusion in File Specs ( HAP-985)
File specs AQL optimizations ( HAP-990)
Bug fixes ( HAP-961, HAP-962, HAP-964, HAP-969, HAP-972, HAP-978, HAP-980, HAP-981, HAP-983, HAP-988, HAP-991)
2.12.2 (27 Jul 2017)
2.12.1 (11 Jul 2017)
2.12.0 (29 Jun 2017)
Pipepine - Allow separation of build and deployment for maven and gradle ( HAP-919)
Git commit information as part of Build Info ( HAP-920)
Support asynchronous build retention ( HAP-934)
Support archive extraction using file specs ( HAP-942)
Bug fixes ( HAP-933, HAP-929, HAP-912, HAP-941, HAP-940, HAP-935, HAP-938)
2.11.0 (17 May 2017)
2.10.4 (27 Apr 2017)
2.10.3 (5 Apr 2017)
2.9.2 (5 Mar 2017)
2.9.1 (1 Feb 2017)
2.9.0 (7 Jan 2017)
Add to file spec the ability to download artifact by build name and number ( HAP-865)
Support Release Management as part of the Pipeline DSL ( HAP-797)
Capture docker build-info from all agents proxies ( HAP-868)
Support for Xray scan build feature ( HAP-866)
Support customised build name ( HAP-869)
Change file Specs pattern ( HAP-876)
2.8.2 (6 Dec 2016)
2.8.1 (10 Nov 2016)
Bug fix ( HAP-841)
2.8.0 (9 Nov 2016)
Upload and download specs support to Jenkins generic jobs ( HAP-823)
Pipeline docker enhancements ( HAP-834)
Support matrix params as part of the Maven and Gradle Pipeline DSL ( HAP-835)
Support credentials iD as part of the Docker Pipeline DSL ( HAP-838)
Support reading download and upload specs from FS ( HAP-838)
Bug fix ( HAP-836, HAP-830, HAP-829, HAP-822, HAP-824, HAP-816, HAP-828, HAP-826)
2.7.2 (25 Sep 2016)
2.6.0 (7 Aug 2016)
2.5.1 (30 Jun 2016)
Bug fix ( HAP-771)
2.5.0 (9 Jun 2016)
Support for credentials using inside a Folder with the Credentials Plugin ( HAP-742)
Configure from the job a default release repository from configuration page ( HAP-688)
Allowing override Git credentials at artifactory release staging page ( HAP-626)
Bug fix ( HAP-754, HAP-752, HAP-747, HAP-736, HAP-726, HAP-722, HAP-715, HAP-712, HAP-704, HAP-695, HAP-688, HAP-671, HAP-642, HAP-639)
2.4.7 (12 Jan 2016)
Bug fix ( HAP-678)
2.4.6 (13 Dec 2015)
Bug fix ( HAP-674)
2.4.5 (6 Dec 2015)
2.4.4 (17 Nov 2015)
2.4.1 (6 Nov 2015)
Bug fix ( HAP-660)
2.4.0 (2 Nov 2015)
Use the Credentials Plugin;( HAP-491)
FreeStyle Jobs - Support different Artifactory server for resolution and deployment;( HAP-616)
Jenkins should write the Artifactory Plugin version to the build log and build-info json;( HAP-620)
Bug fixes ( HAP-396, HAP-534, HAP-583, HAP-616, HAP-617, HAP-618, HAP-621, HAP-622, HAP-641, HAP-646)
2.3.1 (13 Jul 2015)
2.3.0 (01 Apr 2015)
2.2.7 (27 Jan 2015)
2.2.5 (18 Dec 2014)
2.2.4 (21 Aug 2014)
2.2.3 (10 Jun 2014)
Artifactory plugin is back to support Maven 2 ( HAP-459)
New feature, "Refresh Repositories" button, a convenient way to see your available repositories that exists in the configured Artifatory.
This feature also improves the Job page load response, and fixes the following bug ( HAP-483)
Supporting "Subversion plugin" version 2.+, on their compatibility with "Credentials plugin" ( HAP-486)
2.2.2 (21 May 2014)
Split Resolution repository to Snapshot and Release ( HAP-442)
Supporting Git plugin credentials ( HAP-479)
Upgrading and also minimum supporting version of Git plugin 2.0.1 (recommended 2.0.4 for the credentials feature)
Fix bug with Maven release plugin ( HAP-373)
Adding Version Control Url property to the Artifactory Build Info JSON ( HAP-478)
2.2.1 (11 Nov 2013)
Fix for IllegalArgumentException in Deployment when no deployment is defined in Job ( HAP-241)
2.2.0 (16 Oct 2013)
2.1.8 (26 Aug 2013)
Fix migration to Jenkins 1.528 ( HAP-428)
2.1.7 (31 Jul 2013)
2.1.6 (24 Jun 2013)
Fix plugin compatibility with Jenkins 1.519 ( HAP-418)
2.1.5 (23 Apr 2013)
2.1.4 (03 Feb 2013)
Generic resolution interpolates environment variables ( HAP-352)
2.1.3 (14 Oct 2012)
2.1.2 (08 Aug 2012)
2.1.1 (31 May 2012)
NPE on Maven2 builds ( HAP-316)
2.1.0 (24 May 2012)
2.0.9 (15 May 2012)
Fix UI integration for Jenkins 1.463+ ( HAP-307)
2.0.8 (09 May 2012)
2.0.7 (20 Apr 2012)
Generic artifact resolution (based on patterns or other builds output) to freestyle builds ( HAP-292)
Optimized deploy - when a binary with the same checksum as an uploaded artifact already exists in the Artifactory storage, a new local reference will be created instead of reuploading the same content
Bug fixes
2.0.6 (19 Mar 2012)
2.0.5 (08 Dec 2011)
Compatible with Gradle 1.0-milestone-6
Different Artifactory servers can be used for resolution and deployment ( HAP-203)
Using the new Jenkins user cause class to retrieve triggering user. Requires Jenkins 1.428 or above ( HAP-254)
Release management with Git work with the latest plugin. Requires Git plugin v1.1.13 or above ( HAP-259, JENKINS-12025)
Build-info exports an environment variable
with the location of the generated build info properties file
2.0.4 (15 Aug 2011)
2.0.3 (26 Jul 2011)
2.0.2 (07 Jul 2011)
Support Jenkins version 1.417+ ( HAP-211)
2.0.1 (19 May 2011)
Maven deployment from remote slaves - artifact deployment for Maven builds will run directly from a remote slave when artifact archiving is turned off, saving valuable bandwidth and time normally consumed by copying artifacts back to master for archiving and publishing (requires Maven 3.0.2 and above)
Staging of Maven builds now correctly fails if snapshot dependencies are used in POM files ( HAP-183)
All staging and promotion commit comments are now customizable ( HAP-181)
Fix for staged builds failing on remote slaves ( HAP-189)
2.0.0 (4 May 2011)
Support for forcing artifact resolution in Maven 3 to go through Artifactory ( HAP-144)
Isolated resolution for snapshot build chains for Maven and Gradle
Ability to attach custom properties to published artifacts ( HAP-138)
Improved Ant/Ivy integration
Improved Gradle integration
Option to delete deployed artifacts when synchronizing build retention ( HAP-161)
1.4.3 (7 Apr 2011)
Compatible to work with Jenkins 1.405 ( HAP-159)
1.4.2 (27 Jan 2011)
1.4.1 (10 Jan 2011)
Synchronize the build retention policy in Artifactory with Jenkins' build retention settings (requires Artifactory Pro) ( HAP-90)
1.4.0 (09 Jan 2011)
Improved Gradle support
Optimized checksum-based publishing with Artifactory 2.3.2+ that saves redeploying the same binaries ( RTFACT-3808)
Remote agent support for Gradle, Maven 3 and Ivy builds ( HAP-59, HAP-60, HAP-114)
Configurable ivy/artifact patterns for Ivy builds ( HAP-120)
1.3.6 (21 Nov 2010)
1.3.5 (7 Nov 2010)
1.3.4 (28 Oct 2010)
Fixed Gradle support
1.3.3 (21 Oct 2010)
Update version of the Gradle extractor.
1.3.2 (19 Oct 2010)
Support for running license checks on third-party dependencies and sending license violation email notifications ( HAP-91)
1.3.1 (19 Sep 2010)
Maven 2 and Maven 3 support two target deploy repositories - releases and snapshots ( HAP-29)
Maven 2 - Allow deployment even if the build is unstable ( HAP-77)
Link to the build info next to each build that deployed build info ( HAP-80)
Link to the builds list in the jobs' main page ( HAP-41)
Allow skipping the creation and deployment of the build info ( HAP-47)
1.3.0 (26 Aug 2010)
New support for Maven 3 Beta builds!
1.2.0 (26 Jul 2010)
New support for Ivy builds! (many thanks to Timo Bingaman for adding the hooks to the the Jenkins Ivy Plugin)
Supporting incremental builds ( HAP-52)
Testing connection to Artifactory in the main configuration page
Update Jenkins dependency to version 1.358
Fixed HAP-51 - tar.gz files were deployed as .gz files
1.1.0 (09 Jun 2010)
Added support for gradle jobs, see:
Connection timeout setting changed from milliseconds to seconds.
Allow bypassing the http proxy ( JENKINS-5892)
1.0.7 (04 Mar 2010)
Improved Artifactory client
Another fix for duplicate pom deployments
Sending parent (upstream) build information
Displaying only local repositories when working with Artifactory 2.2.0+
1.0.6 (16 Feb 2010)
Fixed a bug in the plugin that in some cases skipped deployment of attached artifacts
In some cases, pom were deployed twice
MD5 hash is now set on all files
Dependency type is passed to the build info
1.0.5 (22 Jan 2010)
Using Jackson as JSON generator for BuildInfo (will fix issues with Hudson version 1.340-1.341)
1.0.4 (15 Jan 2010)
Accept Artifactory urls with slash at the end
Fixed JSON object creation to work with Hudson 1.340
1.0.3 (07 Jan 2010)
Using preemptive basic authentication
1.0.2 (22 Dec 2009)
Configurable connection timeout
1.0.1 (16 Dec 2009)
Fixed Artifactory plugin relative location (for images and help files)
1.0.0 (14 Dec 2009)
First stable release