We have recently released a new next-gen plugin - the Jenkins JFrog Plugin . The new plugin can be installed and used side by side with the Jenkins Artifactory plugin.
Migrate to the Jenkins JFrog Plugin
If you're already using the Artifactory Plugin, we recommend also installing the JFrog Plugin, and gradually migrate your jobs from the old plugin to the new one. You can also have your existing jobs use the two plugins. The old plugin will continue to be supported, however new functionality will most likely make it into the new plugin only.
Why Did We Create the Jenkins JFrog Plugin?
We want to ensure that the Jenkins plugin continues receiving new functionality and improvements. that are added very frequently to JFrog CLI. JFrog CLI already includes significantly more features than the Jenkins Artifactory Plugin. The new JFrog plugin will be receiving these updates automatically.
How is the Jenkins JFrog Plugin Different from the Jenkins Artifactory Plugin?
Unlike the Jenkins Artifactory plugin, the Jenkins JFrog plugin completely relies on JFrog CLI, and serves as a wrapper for it. This means that the APIs you'll be using in your Pipeline jobs look very similar to JFrog CLI commands. The Jenkins JFrog plugin also does not support UI based Jenkins jobs, such as Free-Style jobs. It supports Pipeline jobs only.
How do I get Started?
Read the JFrog Plugin documentation to get started.
Plug-in Version 4.0.0 is available now
We have recently released a major version of the Jenkins Artifactory plugin - version 4.0.0.
This release includes the breaking change - Builds that utilize Gradle version below 6.8.1 are no longer supported.
The reason for this change is to support the Gradle Version Catalog feature.
The popular Jenkins Artifactory Plugin brings Artifactory's Build Integration support to Jenkins.
This integration allows your build jobs to deploy artifacts and resolve dependencies to and from Artifactory, and then have them linked to the build job that created them. The plugin includes a vast collection of features, including a rich pipeline API library and release management for Maven and Gradle builds with Staging and Promotion.
The plugin currently require version 2.159 or above of Jenkins.
Get started with configuring the Jenkins Artifactory Plug-in.