Description: Verifies a two-way connection between Artifactory and another product
Returns Success (200) if Artifactory receives a similar success code (200) from the provided endpoint. See possible error codes below.
Since: 4.15.0
Security: Requires an admin user.
Usage: POST/api/system/verifyconnection
Consumes: application/json
POST /api/system/verifyconnection { + "endpoint" : "<The URL that Artifactory should connect to>", - "username" : "<Username to be used for the connection test>", - "password" : "<Password to be used for the connection test>" }
Produces: application/json
Upon success (200): 200 Successfully connected to endpoint Upon error, returns 400 along with a JSON object that contains the error returned from the other system.
Sample Output:
{ "errors" : [ { "status" : 400, "message" : "Received error from endpoint url: HTTP 404: Page not found" } ] }