Description: Get a flat (the default) or deep listing of the files and folders (not included by default) within a folder.
For deep listing you can specify an optional depth to limit the results.
Optionally include a map of metadata timestamp values as part of the result (only properties are displayed in since 3.0.0).
folder inclusion since 2.3.2; checksum inclusion since: 2.3.3; include folder root path since: 2.5.2. Supported by all types of repositories.
Since: 2.2.4
Notes: Requires Artifactory Pro
Security: Requires a non-anonymous privileged user.
Usage: GET /artifactory/api/storage/{repoKey}/{folder-path}?list[&deep=0/1][&depth=n][&listFolders=0/1][&mdTimestamps=0/1][&includeRootPath=0/1]
Produces: application/json (
Sample Output:
GET /artifactory/api/storage/libs-release-local/org/acme?list&deep=1&listFolders=1&mdTimestamps=1 { "uri": "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/storage/libs-release-local/org/acme", "created": ISO8601, "files" : [ { "uri": "/archived", "size": "-1", "lastModified": ISO8601, "folder": "true" }, { "uri": "/doc.txt", "size": "253207", //bytes "lastModified": ISO8601, "folder": "false", "sha1": sha1Checksum, "mdTimestamps": { "properties" : lastModified (ISO8601) } }, { "uri": "/archived/doc1.txt", "size": "253100", //bytes "lastModified": ISO8601, "folder": "false", "sha1": sha1Checksum, "mdTimestamps": { "properties" : lastModified (ISO8601) } },... ] }