Distribute Build


Content Type

Description: Deploys builds from Artifactory to Bintray, and creates an entry in the corresponding Artifactory distribution repository specified.

Notes: Requires Artifactory Pro

Since: 4.8

Security: Requires an authenticated user.

Usage: POST /api/build/distribute/{buildName}/{buildNumber}

Consumes: application/json

        "publish" : "<true | false>"                // Default: true. If true, builds are published when deployed to Bintray
        "overrideExistingFiles" : "<true | false>"  // Default: false. If true, Artifactory overwrites builds already existing in the target path in Bintray. 
                                                    // Existing version attributes are also overridden if defined in the distribution repository Advanced Configuration
        "gpgPassphrase" : "<passphrase>"            // If specified, Artifactory will GPG sign the build deployed to Bintray and apply the specified passphrase
        "async" : "<true | false>"                  // Default: false. If true, the build will be distributed asynchronously. Errors and warnings may be viewed in the log file
        "targetRepo" : "<targetDistributionRepo>",  // The Distribution Repository into which artifacts should be deployed
        "sourceRepos" : ["<repoKey>"]               // An array of local repositories from which build artifacts should be deployed
        "dryRun" : "<true | false>"                 // Default: false. If true, distribution is only simulated. No files are actually moved.

Sample input:

POST /api/build/distribute/my-build/1
        "targetRepo" : "dist-repo-jfrog-artifactory",  
        "sourceRepos" : ["yum-local"]  