You may issue a find request according to the syntax, and configure your request to display fields from any of the domains.
Domain | Field Name | Type | Description |
item | repo | String | The name of the repository in which this item is stored |
item | path | String | The full path associated with this item NoteThe path for folder should not include a |
item | name | String | The name of the item |
item | created | Date | The date when the item was created |
item | modified | Date | File system timestamp indicating when the item was last modified |
item | updated | Date | When the item was last uploaded to a repository |
item | created_by | String | The name of the item owner |
item | modified_by | String | The name of the last user that modified the item |
item | type | Enum | The item type (file/folder/any). If |
item | depth | Int | The depth of the item in the path from the root folder |
item | original_md5 | String | The item's md5 hash code when it was originally uploaded |
item | actual_md5 | String | The item's current md5 hash code |
item | original_sha1 | String | The item's sha1 hash code when it was originally uploaded |
item | actual_sha1 | String | The item's current sha1 hash code |
item | sha256 | String | The item's sha256 hash code SHA-256 is supported from Artifactory version 5.5You can use AQL search only on artifacts deployed to Artifactory version 5.5 or above, or if you have migrated your database as described in SHA-256 Support after upgrading Artifactory to version 5.5 and above. |
item | size | Long | The item's size on disk |
item | virtual_repos | String | The virtual repositories which contain the repository in which this item is stored. |
archive | NoteThe archive domain currently contains no fields | Enable additional archive typesTo enable search for specific archive type, the `index=true` should be specified in the mimetypes.xml file for this archive type. See Configuration Files: MIME Type | |
entry | name | String | The entry name |
entry | path | String | The path of the entry within the repository |
promotion | created | String | When the build was promoted |
promotion | created_by | String | The Artifactory user that promoted the build |
promotion | status | String | The status of the promotion |
promotion | repo | String | The name of the repository to which the build was promoted |
promotion | comment | String | A free text comment about the promotion |
promotion | user | String | The CI server user that promoted the build |
build | url | String | The URL of the build |
build | name | String | The build name |
build | number | String | The build number |
build | created | Date | File system timestamp indicating when the item was last modified |
build | created_by | String | The name of the user who created the build |
build | modified | Date | File system timestamp indicating when the build was last modified |
build | modified_by | String | The name of the last user that modified the build |
build | started | Date | The build start time. The value for this field is directly taken from the relevant build's The field is immutable, and does not change upon build promotion or build replication |
property | key | String | The property key |
property | value | String | The property value |
stat | downloaded | Date | The last time an item was downloaded |
stat | downloads | Int | The total number of downloads for an item |
stat | downloaded_by | String | The name of the last user to download this item |
stat | remote_downloads | Int | The total number of downloads for an item from a smart remote repository proxying the local repository in which the item resides |
stat | remote_downloaded | Date | The last time an item was downloaded from a smart remote repository proxying the local repository in which the item resides |
stat | remote_downloaded_by | String | The name of the last user to download this item from a smart remote repository proxying the local repository in which the item resides |
stat | remote_origin | String | The address of the remote Artifactory instance along a smart remote proxy chain from which the download request originated. |
stat | remote_path | String | The full path along a smart remote proxy chain through which the download request went from the origin instance to the current instance. |
artifact | name | String | The name of the artifact |
artifact | type | String | The type of the artifact |
artifact | sha1 | String | The SHA1 hash code of the artifact |
artifact | md5 | String | The MD5 hash code of the artifact |
module | name | String | The name of the module |
dependency | name | String | The name of the dependency |
dependency | scope | String | The scope of the dependency |
dependency | type | String | The type of the dependency |
dependency | sha1 | String | The SHA1 hash code of the dependency |
dependency | md5 | String | The MD5 hash code of the dependency |
release | name | String | The name of the release bundle |
release | version | String | The version of the release bundle |
release | status | String | The status of the release bundle |
release | created | String | The date when the release bundle was created |
release | signature | String | The release bundle signature |
release_artifact | path | String | The release artifact full repo path |