Description: Returns token information, based on the authenticated principal and optional filters.
Since: 7.21.1
Security: Requires a valid token.
Usage: GET /access/api/v1/tokens
Produces: application/json
{ "tokens": [ { "token_id": "<id>", "subject": "<subject>", "expiry": <epoch-in-secs>, // optional "issued_at": <epoch-in-secs>, "issuer": "<issuer>", "description": "<description>", // optional "refreshable": <true|false> }, ... ] }
An admin user can get all tokens.
Non-admin user gets only the tokens where his username matches the tokens' username.
If the query does not find any tokens, a response of 200 (i.e., successful) will be returned but with an empty list of tokens.
Supports query parameters to filter the response:
description=<description> (supports wildcard, the wildcard must to be at the end of the text)
401 - Unauthenticated
403 - The authenticated principal has no permissions to get tokens (not a user or not an admin token)
Sample Usage:
curl -XGET -H "Authorization: Bearer <valid access token>" "http://localhost:8082/access/api/v1/tokens?description=my%20token*" 200 OK { "tokens":[ { }, ... ] }