Description: Get the current status of the PUD process (i.e., running, stopped, finished, or error) along with relevant data on the process such as total binaries deleted, total size of disk space cleaned, information on the last handled directory, and other information.
Security: Requires an admin user.
Produces: application/json
curl -u <user_name>:<password> -XGET http://artifactory_host:port/artifactory/api/system/storage/prune/status
Since: 7.72
Sample Usage:
curl -u admin:password -XGET http://localhost:8082/artifactory/api/system/storage/prune/status
Sample Responses:
If the PUD process has never run on your filestore, you will get the following response:
HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition Failed Content-Type: application/json { "info": "No Prune task found" }
Here is a sample response, if the PUD process ran at least once on your filestore:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "status": "running", "dryRun": true, "timing": { "startedAtMillis": 1692862063727, "startedAt": "2023-08-24T10:27:43", "durationMillis": 285404, "duration": "0:04:45.404", "lastUpdatedMillis": 1692862349131, "lastUpdated": "2023-08-24T10:32:29" }, "progress": "2 of 256", "report": { "totalBinariesProcessed": 2, "totalBinariesCleaned": 0, "totalBytesCleaned": 0 }, "lastHandledDirectory": { "name": "01", "status": "finished", "binariesProcessed": 1, "binariesCleaned": 0, "bytesCleaned": 0, "timing": { "startedAtMillis": 1692862347041, "startedAt": "2023-08-24T10:32:27", "durationMillis": 2090, "duration": "0:00:02.090", "lastUpdatedMillis": 1692862349131, "lastUpdated": "2023-08-24T10:32:29" } } }
The response includes the following information:
Property | Description |
| The status of the PUD process, which will be one of the following:
| It is possible to execute the PUD process without actually deleting unreferenced binaries. A user might want to do this to test the PUD process or to get an estimation of the number prune-eligible binaries. The |
| This array contains the following data:
| The number of directories that have been processed thus far. |
| This array contains the following data:
| This array contains the following data: