Description: Gets a single steplet for the supplied numeric id.
Security: Requires a valid user
Usage: GET api/v1/steplets/:id
Consumes: application/json
Query Parameters: Ignored
Request Parameters: Ignored
Sample Response:
{ "id": 1, "projectId": 1, "pipelineId": 1, "stepId": 1, "stepletNumber": 1, "statusCode": 4008, "isConsoleArchived": true, "triggeredAt": "2019-04-15T06:48:43.247Z", "queuedAt": null, "endedAt": "2019-04-15T06:48:43.511Z", "startedAt": null, "createdAt": "2019-04-15T06:48:43.253Z", "updatedAt": "2019-04-15T06:48:43.519Z" }
Response Codes:
200: Success
404: No step was found for the supplied ID