Description: Schedules a Release Bundle v1 version for deletion in Distribution Edges. Action tracking ID will be returned. Have a parameter to keep or delete the Release Bundle v1 from JFrog Distribution on success.
Since: 1.0
Security: Authenticated users only. User must have distribution delete permission for the release bundle. The Distribution Edges will be filtered by the user's permissions.
Usage: POST /api/v1/distribution/:name/:version/delete
Request headers: N/A
Consumes: application/json
cURL Example
$ curl -u user:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST "http://ARTIFACTORY_SERVER_HOSTNAME:8082/distribution/api/v1/distribution/bundle98/version100/delete" -T delete.json
{ "dry_run": true|false, "distribution_rules": [ { "site_name": "?wildcard*", "city_name": "?wildcard*", "country_codes": ["?wildcard*"] } ], "on_success": "keep|delete" }
Field | Type | Required | Default Value | Description |
| Boolean | no | true | If true, only parses and validates |
| List (Object) | yes | N/A | Describes the filters by which Distribution Edges are selected. Must resolve at least one edge. |
| String | no | "*" | Wildcard filter for site name |
| String | no | "*" | Wildcard filter for site city name |
| List (String) | no | [ "*" ] | Wildcard filters for site country codes |
| String | no | keep | Action to be performed on the release bundle version in JFrog Distrubution itself after deletion is complete in the specified Distribution Edge/s. |
Response status codes:
200 - Success for dry_run
202 - Successfully scheduled deletion
404 - Release bundle or release bundle version not found
Response headers: N/A
Produces: application/json
{ "id": 188527534551203840, "sites": [ { "service_id": "jfrt@01cc8hkzy1zgtc1wqw3zk41p2a", "name": "US_NY_Art01", "type": "edge" }, ... ] }