To use these APIs, you need an access token. Only a Primary Admin can generate MyJFrog tokens. For more information, see Generate a Token in MyJFrog.
Limitations When Adding IP Addresses
The following limitations apply to adding IPs to the allowlist.
Private / Public IP
Any IP addresses that fall in the range below cannot be updated using these APIs. These are IP addresses that are used in private networks, which are not available, or reachable, from the Internet.
The RFC1918 address space includes the following networks: – (10/8 prefix) – (172.16/12 prefix) – (192.168/16 prefix)
Maximum IP/CIDR Values
For all allowlists and delete lists combined, the workspace supports a maximum of 2500 IP/CIDR values, where one CIDR counts as a single value.
Rate limit
The rate limit is 5 times per hour for actions that result in a successful outcome (for both Post and Delete actions, i.e., for a response code of 200).