Calculate Opkg Repository Metadata


JFrog Xray
Content Type

Description: Calculates/recalculates the Packages and Release metadata for this repository, based on the ipk packages in it (in each feed location).

Calculation can be synchronous (the default) or asynchronous. Refer to Opkg Repositories for more details. Supported by local repositories only.Opkg Repositories

By default, the recalculation process also writes several entries from the ipk package's metadata as properties on all of the artifacts (based on the control file's content).

This operation may not always be required (for example, if the ipk files are intact and were not modified, only the index needs to be recalculated. The operation is resource intensive and can be disabled by passing the ?writeProps=0 query param.

Notes: Requires Artifactory Pro.

Security: Up to version 4.8

, requires a valid admin user. From version 4.8 only requires the set of permissions assumed by Manage (Manage + Delete/Overwrite + Deploy/Cache + Annotate + Read).

Usage: POST api/opkg/reindex/{repoKey} [?async=0/1][?writeProps=0/1]

Headers (Optionally): -H X-GPG-PASSPHRASE:passphrase

Produces: application/text

Since: 4.4

Sample Output:

POST /api/opkg/reindex/opkg-local

Recalculating index for Opkg repository opkg-local scheduled to run.