Description: Artifact search by part of file name.
Searches return file info URIs. Can limit search to specific repositories (local or caches).
The search must be performed on the actual source repository (local or remote). Virtual repositories are not supported.
Since: 2.2.0
Security: Requires a privileged user (can be anonymous)
Usage: GET /api/search/artifact?name=name[&repos=x[,y]]
Headers (Optionally): X-Result-Detail: info (to add all extra information of the found artifact), X-Result-Detail: properties (to get the properties of the found artifact), X-Result-Detail: info, properties (for both).
Produces: application/json (application/
Sample Output:
GET /api/search/artifact?name=lib&repos=libs-release-local { "results": [ { "uri": "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/storage/libs-release-local/org/acme/lib/ver/lib-ver.pom" },{ "uri": "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/api/storage/libs-release-local/org/acme/lib/ver2/lib-ver2.pom" } ] }