Description: Get a simple status response about the state of a JFrog Product node.
Returns health state and general information regarding the router and locally registered services.
Since: Artifactory 7.0.0, Xray 3.0.0, Mission Control 4.0.0, Distribution 2.0.0, Pipelines 1.0.0
Security: No authentication required
Usage: GET /router/api/v1/system/health
Produces: application/json
Sample Output:
GET /router/api/v1/system/health Healthy Response: 200 OK Content-Type: application/json { "router": { "node_id": "12345-defg-6789", "state": "HEALTHY", "message": "OK" }, "services": [ { "service_id": "jfsvc@123", "node_id": "12345-defg-6789", "state": "HEALTHY", "message": "OK" }, ... ] } Unhealthy Response: 503 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE Content-Type: application/json { "router": { "node_id": "12345-defg-6789", "state": "HEALTHY", "message": "OK" }, "services": [ { "service_id": "jfrt@1234", "node_id": "12345-defg-6789", "state": "UNHEALTHY_PEER", "message": "Service is healthy; there is at least one unhealthy service" },{ "service_id": "jffe@9876", "node_id": "12345-defg-6789", "state": "UNHEALTHY", "message": "Get http://localhost:3000/health: dial tcp connect: connection refused" }, ... ] }