Description: Signs a Release Bundle v1 version and stores it in the source Artifactory (requires Artifactory 6.5 or later) in the storing repository.
Release Bundle v2 versions are signed in Artifactory and the same keys are used for distribution. For more information, see Create Signing Keys for Release Bundles (v2).
Since: 1.2
Security: Authenticated users only. The user must have matching Release Bundle writer permissions.
Usage: POST api/v1/release_bundle/:name/:version/sign
Request headers: X-GPG-PASSPHRASE - String - the passphrase for the signing key, if applicable
cURL Example
$ curl -u user:password -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-GPG-PASSPHRASE: keysPassphrase" -X POST "http://ARTIFACTORY_SERVER_HOSTNAME:8082/distribution/api/v1/release_bundle/:name/:version/sign"
Field | Type | Required | Default Value | Since | Description |
| String | no | null | 1.3 | A repository name at source Artifactory to store release bundle artifacts in. If not provided, Artifactory will use the default one (requires Artifactory 6.5 or later). |
| String | no | Default key | 2.8.1 | The name of the key that will be used to sign the Release Bundle. If no alias is provided, the default key will be used. |
Response status codes:
200 - Successfully signed release bundle version
400 - Release bundle version is already signed
Response headers: N/A
Produces: application/json
{ "name": "bundle-name", "version": "1.0", "state": "SIGNED", "created": "2018-03-14T10:19:30.678Z", "artifacts": [ { "checksum": "0651d26f4cc6ed60cd9d273c440daf7617459d3f6e3d512188ff19d4933e4ff6", "source_repo_path": "conanx/demo/sample-conan1/1.0/testing/export/", "target_repo_path": "conanx/demo/sample-conan1/1.0/testing/export/", "props": [ { "key": "conan.package.version", "values": [ "1.0" ] }, ... ] }, ... ], "archived": false }