Description: Executes a named execution closure found in the executions
section of a User Plugins.
Execution can take parameters and be synchronous (the default) or asynchronous.
When parameters can have multiple values, you can separate the items in one of the following ways:
Use a semicolon - ; (recommended)
Use the encoding for the pipe ("|") character - %7C
Alternatively, you may configure your NGINX to encode URLs so that if an unencoded pipe is used in the URL, NGINX will encode it to %7C. We recommend that you verify that this configuration does not break any other systems served by NGINX
Since: 2.3.1
Notes: Requires Artifactory Pro
Security: Requires an authenticated user (the plugin can control which users/groups are allowed to trigger it)
Usage: POST /api/plugins/execute/{executionName}?[params=p1=v1[,v2][|p2=v3][&async=1]]
Produces: text/plain
Sample Output:
POST /api/plugins/execute/cleanup?params=suffix=SNAPSHOT;types=jar,war,zip&async=1 OK