Description: Downloads an artifact with or without returning the actual content to the client. When tracking the progress marks are printed (by default every 1024 bytes). This is extremely useful if you want to trigger downloads on a remote Artifactory server, for example to force eager cache population of large artifacts, but want to avoid the bandwidth consumption involved in transferring the artifacts to the triggering client. If no content parameter is specified the file content is downloaded to the client.
Notes: This API requires Artifactory Pro.
Security: Requires a privileged user (can be anonymous)
Usage: GET /api/download/{repoKey}/{filePath}[?content=none/progress][&mark=numOfBytesToPrintANewProgressMark]
Produces: application/octet-stream, text/plain (depending on content type)
Since: 2.2.2
Sample Output:
GET /api/download/my-remote/org/acme/1.0/acme-1.0.jar?content=progress&mark=512 ..................................................... ..................................................... ..... Completed: 150/340 bytes