Description: Returns the token information by token ID.
Since: 7.21.1
Security: Requires a valid token.
Usage: GET /access/api/v1/tokens/my-id-is-here
GET /access/api/v1/tokens/me
From Artifactory release 7.53.1, you can also use this API not only with the token-id but also with me to indicate the currently used token.
From Artifactory Self-Hosted release 7.68, returns token details without validating that the audience field is compatible.
Produces: application/json
{ "token_id": "<id>", "subject": "<subject>", "expiry": <epoch-in-secs>, // optional "issued_at": <epoch-in-secs>, "issuer": "<issuer>", "description": "<description>", // optional "refreshable": <true|false> }
An Admin user can get any token.
A non-admin user can get only the a token where the subject matches the username.
401- unauthenticated
403- the authenticated principal has no permissions to get the token
404- not found