Description: Updates an Access group's external ID, realm, or realm attributes. To add or remove users, use instead the Add or Remove User from Groups REST API.
Since: 7.49.3
Authorization: Requires admin authentication using Access Tokens
Usage: PATCH /access/api/v2/groups/{name}
Produces: application/json
All fields are optional; if a field is not specified the value will not change (if the request payload is empty, returns 200)
{ "description": "string", "auto_join": boolean, "admin_privileges": boolean, "external_id": "string" }
{ "name": "string", "description": "string", "auto_join": false, "admin_privileges": false, "realm": "ldap", "realm_attributes": "string", "external_id": "string", "members": ["user1", "user2"] }
Response Codes:
200: Successful
400: Invalid input, object invalid
401: Invalid credentials
403: Insufficient permissions
404: Name not found