Description: Attach properties to an existing item (file, folder, or repository). When a folder is used property attachment is recursive by default.
To supply special characters (comma (,), backslash(\), pipe(|), equals(=)) as a key/value you must add an encoded backslash (%5C) before them. For example: ..?properties=a=1%5C=1
will attach key a with 1=1 as value.
To specify multiple properties, you can separate the items in one of the following ways:
Use a semicolon (";") (recommended)
Use the encoding for the pipe ("|") character - %7C
Alternatively, you may configure your NGINX to encode URLs so that if an unencoded pipe is used in the URL, NGINX will encode it to %7C. We recommend that you verify that this configuration does not break any other systems served by NGINX
To specify multiple values for a single property, separate the items with a semicolon (%5C;) or a comma (,).
Supported by local and local-cached repositories.
Notes: Requires Artifactory Pro
The following special characters are forbidden in the key field: )(}{][*+^$\/~`!@#%&<>;=,±§
and the Space character
Since: 2.3.0
Security: Requires a privileged user (can be anonymous)
Usage: PUT /api/storage/{repoKey}/{itemPath}?properties=p1=v1[,v2][|p2=v3][[&recursive=0]
Sample Usage:
PUT /api/storage/libs-release-local/ch/qos/logback/logback-classic/0.9.9?properties=os=win,linux|qa=done&recursive=0
For instructions about adding properties to artifacts during their deployment to Artifactory, see Using Properties in Deployment and Resolution.
Starting with Artifactory 7.104.x, it is possible to define an upper limit on the number of artifacts on which property updates can be performed at one time. For example, if you revise a folder property and the folder contains more items than the limit defined in this system parameter, the operation will fail. This feature is useful for preventing heavy loads on the database. The limit is defined using the system parameter, By default, this feature is off. There is no default value when turned on.