Description: Attach properties to an item (file, folder, or repository). When a folder is used property attachment is recursive by default.
In order to supply special characters (comma (,), backslash(\), pipe(|), equals(=)) as key/value you must add an encoded backslash (%5C) before them. For example: ..?properties=a=1%5C=1
will attach key a with 1=1 as value.
To specify multiple properties, you can separate the items in one of the following ways:
Use a semicolon - ; (recommended)
Use the encoding for the pipe ("|") character - %7C
Alternatively, you may configure your NGINX to encode URLs so that if an unencoded pipe is used in the URL, NGINX will encode it to %7C. We recommend that you verify that this configuration does not break any other systems served by NGINX
To specify multiple values for a single property, separate the items with a semicolon (%5C;) or a comma (,).
Supported by local and local-cached repositories.
Notes: Requires Artifactory Pro
The following special characters are forbidden in the key field: )(}{][*+^$\/~`!@#%&<>;=,±§
and the Space character
Since: 2.3.0
Security: Requires a privileged user (can be anonymous)
Usage: PUT /api/storage/{repoKey}/{itemPath}?properties=p1=v1[,v2][|p2=v3][[&recursive=0]
Sample Usage:
PUT /api/storage/libs-release-local/ch/qos/logback/logback-classic/0.9.9?properties=os=win,linux|qa=done&recursive=0