Description: An API to get Approved/Blocked audit events for packages (allowing full export).
Note: A synchronous REST API, to get Approved/Blocked audit events for packages.
Since: 3.82.x
Security: Requires a valid user with the "VIEW_POLICIES" permission.
Usage: GET /xray/api/v1/curation/audit/packages
Parameter | Type | Mandatory/Optional | Default Value | Description |
order_by | string | optional | id | Order result by column name |
direction | string | optional | desc | Order direction |
num_of_rows | int | optional | 100 | Maximum number of rows in result, Valid values 1- 2000 |
created_at_start | datetime | optional | @todayDate - 7 days | Get logs starting from this date , date format example 2023-08-13T22:00:00.000Z |
created_at_end | datetime | optional | @todayDate | Get logs that happen before this date |
offset | int | optional | 0 | Get data starting from this offset |
include_total | bolean | optional | false | Get total_count field in the result |
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
400 | Bad request |
404 | Not found |
Sample Request
GET /xray/api/v1/curation/audit/packages? order_by=id& direction=desc& num_of_rows=2& created_at_start=2023-07-20T22:00:00.000Z& created_at_end=2023-07-26T22:00:00.000Z& include_total=true& offset=0
Sample Response
200 OK { "data": [ { "id": 174, "created_at": "2023-08-30T05:45:52Z", "action": "blocked", "package_type": "Docker", "package_name": "pumevnezdiroorg/drupal", "package_version": "latest", "package_url": "", "reason": "Policy violations", "curated_repository_server_name": "", "curated_repository_name": "aviv-docker1", "curated_project": "default", "username": "admin", "user_mail": "", "origin_repository_server_name": "z0curdocktest", "origin_repository_name": "aviv-docker1", "origin_project": "default", "public_repo_url": "", "public_repo_name": "Docker Hub", "policies": [ { "policy_name": "onlyOffical", "policy_id": 3, "dry_run": false, "condition_name": "Image is not Docker Hub official", "condition_category": "operational" } ] } ], "meta": { "total_count": 174, "result_count": 1, "next_offset": 1, "order_by": "id", "direction": "desc", "num_of_rows": 1, "offset": 0, "include_total": true, "include_explanation_and_recommendation": false, "created_at_start": "2023-08-23T05:48:32Z", "created_at_end": "2023-08-30T05:48:32Z" } }
Python Example
import datetime import requests from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth session = requests.Session() auth = HTTPBasicAuth('username', 'password') now = print(now.isoformat(), 'start') last_print = now start = curr = start - datetime.timedelta(days=30) events_fetched = 0 while curr < start: offset = 0 while True: now = if now != last_print: last_print = now print(now.isoformat(), 'created_at_start: %s, events_fetched: %d, offset: %d' % (curr.isoformat(), events_fetched, offset)) response = session.get( 'http://env_domain/xray/api/v1/curation/audit/packages', params={ 'include_total': 'false', 'order_by': 'id', 'direction': 'asc', 'num_of_rows': 1000, 'created_at_start': curr.isoformat(), 'offset': offset, }, auth=auth) response.raise_for_status() output = response.json() next_offset = output['meta']['next_offset'] if not next_offset: break offset = next_offset events_fetched += output['meta']['result_count'] curr += datetime.timedelta(days=7) now = print(now.isoformat(), 'fetched %d events' % events_fetched)