This API is deprecated. Starting from Artifactory version 7.49, Mission Control is integrated directly into Artifactory as a service and will be included in the Artifactory Support Bundle.
Description: Create a new support bundle.
Since: 4.0
Security: Requires an admin user
Notes: All bundle items are optional.
Usage: POST /mc/api/v1/system/support/bundle
Return codes:
202 - Support bundle is being created and will be available soon
400 - Invalid option values
403 - Unauthorized
Sample usage:
POST /api/v1/system/support/bundle { "name": "JFMC support bundle", "description": "Support bundle generated because of issue with XYZ", "parameters": { "configuration": true, "system": true, "thread_dump": { "count": 1, "interval": 0 }, "logs": { "include": true, "start_date": "2018-12-25", "end_date": "2019-01-07" } } }
Example Output:
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Content-Type: application/json Server: mission-control/SNAPSHOT Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains Content-Length: 247 { "id" : "SUPP20180912154413548991", "artifactory" : { "service_id" : "jfrt@4754684682741", "bundle_url" : " } }