Description: Manually trigger a Webhook subscription with sample data as if an event actually occurred. Subscription definition is given by the request payload.
Security: Requires a valid admin user.
Usage: POST event/api/v1/subscriptions/test
Produces: application/json
Sample Input:
{ "key": "Audits", "description": "Triggers Security and QA audits when a new artifact is created", "enabled": true, "event_filter": { "domain": "artifact", "event_types": [ "deployed", "moved", "copied" ], "criteria": { "anyLocal": true, "anyRemote": false, "includePatterns": [], "excludePatterns": [], "repoKeys": [] } }, "handlers": [ { "handler_type": "webhook", "url": "", "secret": "tell no one", "proxy": "mainProxy", "custom_http_headers": [ { "name": "X-MyCompany-Header", "value": "whatever" } ] } ] }
Sample Output:
{ "result": "success", "message": "Test is successful" }
Response Codes:
200 Test was performed, a report (success or failure is provided in the response payload, including when the JFrog Service that should be the source of the event, is unreachable/unhealthy).
400 Bad Input