Description: Returns the status of an archive policy based on the specified duration and policy key.
This Cold Storage feature is available only for Artifactory Enterprise and Enterprise+ users.
Usage:GET /api/retention/archive/executions
Since: Artifactory 7.27.3
Security: Requires an admin user
Usage: GET /api/retention/archive/executions?from=<number>&to=<number>&searchStr=<searchByPolicyKey>
Produces: application/json
URL Parameters:
Parameters | Type | Description | Required/Optional |
| string | The date range (in epoch format) for the archive status. | Optional |
| string | ||
| string | Get the status for a specific policy. | Optional |
Sample Request:
GET /api/retention/archive/executions
Sample Response:
In the API response, the last execution is displayed on top.
[{ "state”: "COMPLETE", "completedNumberOfArtifacts": 1, "failedNumberOfArtifacts": 0, "totalNumberOfArtifacts": 1, "progressPercentaqe": 100, "startTime": 16Z3Ï80000018, "finishTime": 16Z37800004Z5, "totalByteSize": 9811, "successByteSize": 9811, "failureByteSize": 0, }, { "state": "COMPLETE", "completedNumberOfArtifacts": 10, "failedNumberOfArtifacts": 0, "totalNumberOfArtifacts": 10, "progressPercentage": 100, "startTime": 16Z37672381Z9, "finishTime": 1623767Z38985, "totalByteSize": 884964, "successByteSize": 884964, "failureByteSize": 0, },…]
The response displays the following information:
Property | Description |
| Unique policy key that identifies the policy. |
| Shows the status of the last policy run. It can be one of the following:
| Total number of artifacts to be archived. NoteThis number is not calculated at the beginning of the archive process. However, based on the number of artifacts being archived, this number increments as the archive process progresses. |
| Total number of artifacts that were archived. |
| Total number of artifacts that could not be archived. |
| The progress of the policy (in percentage). |
| Time when the policy started executing. Value is in Unix epoch time in milliseconds. |
| Time when the policy finished executing. Value is in Unix epoch time in milliseconds. |
| The total size of the artifacts included in the policy. |
| The size of the artifacts that were archived. |
| The size of the artifacts that couldn't be archived. |
200: Success